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Apparition Ghost Stories
Apparitions in Ghost Stories
We feel it is important to talk about the sightings of
apparitions found in ghost stories that
we receive. An apparition is best described as a see-through person, full visible, and often
in color, period dress, etc. In other words, it is an accurate representation of the person as
they would have appeared while alive in-body. Some people have the ability to see into
the spirit realm, capable of viewing the apparitions of people who interact with people on
both sides of the grave. This visage of a disembodied human spirit is considered to be
the ultimate in ghost experiences!

Ghost stories about
apparitions have existed for thousands of years. People have
recounted stories about seeing deceased relatives, friends, and strangers appearing to
them for a brief moment in time. Sometimes, the apparition will interact with the living;
other times, they seem unaware of others around them.
Some ghost investigators believe that there
is no such thing as the apparitions of people.
They put forth that people appearing in spirit
in a transparent form is the sole creation of
Hollywood movies, etc. However, the amount
of stories we have received over the years
demonstrate that people in spirit can
manifest in a see-through form. They may
even appear so real to the viewer that they
are hard to distinguish from a person with a
solid body. Sometimes, the person is not
identified as being a ghost until they
disappear or walk through a solid wall!
It just may be that ghost stories about apparitions are rare for a good reason. Perhaps,
the see-through form is the final phase of a ghost's manifestation within our environment.
Sherri Brake, a seasoned ghost investigator and tour guide of haunted places
History Tours
), saw her first apparition after many years of investigating. The event
actually occurred in her own home which sits on land that was formerly an active mine. The
ghost was first visible as a
shadow person, then the human features slowly manifested
into a colored, see-through form. She eventually witnessed the perfect apparition of an old
coal miner.

Apparition Ghost Stories
We would like to share some apparition ghost stories. The things we learn from them
teach us more about ghosts and how they may appear and interact with us. Over time, we
will add links to additional ghost stories featuring apparitions.

Shops' Apparitions Ghost Story
Our first apparition story comes from a lady who has the ability to see people in spirit. Her
name is Ruth, and she has been experiencing ghosts visiting her regularly in her home.

"The shops of Hartville were having a Christmas in July sale in 2005. My friend and I
thought, 'Cool! Let's go!' I was hoping to pick up a few ornaments. Totally unsuspecting,
this is what happened:

We were in the upstairs of the first shop when I saw a beautiful lady, maybe in her late
teens or early twenties. She was dressed in an 1800s ball gown of pale blue with her
black hair done in ringlets. She told me it was her dressing room and asked me if I liked
it. I couldn't see the room as she evidently saw it, so I did not answer her. I actually
thought I was imagining it."

Read the rest of the
Shops' Apparitions Ghost Story
Sutter Creek Ghost Story - the story of an apparition in 1800s style

Nevada City Ghost Story - apparition of a woman in the bar area
haunts the minds of those who have seen her.
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Apparition Ghost Stories Copyright 2010 Angels & Ghosts, LLC