Basement Anomaly Ghost Picture         Back to Ghost Pictures

Trisha and Jessie from Hagerstown, Maryland sent us this ghost picture:

"This is my son, Jessie. The picture was taken in the basement of a house we just bought, BEFORE
we have moved in. There were also "orbs" spotted in other rooms of the house. The house had one
previous owner who died 2 years ago. Several of the owners personal possessions, still remain IN
and THROUGHOUT the house. Can you tell what this is? (6-4-05 taken)"
psychic surprise
This is a picture of a VERY distinct ORB, that was taken in the attic,
of a house we were considering purchasing. You can see it very
clearly behind  my husband and daughter. The owners of this home
recently passed away before we were shown the home. We ended
up NOT buying it, which all worked out in the end.
psychic orbs
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