The Queen Mary is an ocean liner that sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967. The QM sailed her maiden voyage from Southampton, England on May 27th, 1936.
During WWII, she was converted into a troop ship to carry Australian and New Zealand soldiers to the United Kingdom. The Queen Mary was painted grey and called, "The Grey Ghost."
After the Queen Mary's retirement in 1967, she was moored in Long Beach, California, where she is now permanently docked as a tourist attraction. The Queen Mary is said to have ghosts on board with many areas are said to be haunted. The engine room is said to be haunted by a man crushed by a door during a fire drill. The first class swimming pool has had numerous sightings of people in period bathing suits, while sounds of water splashing have also been heard. The Queen Mary's third class children's playroom is said to be haunted by the cry of an infant who died on board, while the Queen's salon has had various sightings of a woman dancing in a white evening gown. Some of the first class suites have had supernatural occurrences, as well. Reports of a man appearing in a mirror, running water, tugging of bed covers, phones ringing in the middle of the night and lights turning on and off have been on-going for years.
We have received several submissions of ghost pictures taken aboard the haunted Queen Mary. The following are a few of them:
Haunted Queen Mary First Class Pool
Queen Mary Pool Apparition 1
Queen Mary Pool Apparition 2
Update: It should be noted that in 2005 on an earlier episode of SyFy's Ghost Hunters, the TAPS investigation team caught staff (or someone) faking ghost activity by pulling covers down on a bed in a supposedly haunted cabin. The video camera that was used by TAPS had been started - stopped several times to produce the effect. Either it was staff or producers of the show attempting to trick the team.