Loch Ness Monster Picture          Back to Ghost Pictures

Heather from Townville, SC sent us this intriguing picture of the Loch Ness Monster, perhaps.  She was
watching the Loch Ness Monster
Web Cam, when she captured the image below.  We know this isn't a
ghost, but has been almost as elusive to capture!

"I wanted to send you this pic...IT is not a ghost pic; but I do believe I have caught a picture of "Nessie,"
the monster of Loch Ness in Scotland.  Please tell me what you think of this.  This is the story.  In this
picture you will see an island protruding into the water -- off to your left.  At first I thought the white caps
of the water were just waves, but once the first one (right beside the island in the distance) went down
and came back about 150 yards from where the first one was...I was suspicious; so I kept watching it
and got the photo ready to shoot, just in case it came close to the live feed camera (It feeds every 17
seconds from an island on Loch Ness in Scotland).  To my surprise, IT DID come closer and disappear;
then came up right where I took this picture.  Then it disappeared in the next frame, and came back up
about 10 feet from where you see it, then went off camera.  If you look at how far away the sheep is in
the pic (I would say about 75 to 100 yards away from the camera), and if you look at the "WHITE CAP"
(it is about 100 or so more yards away from the camera), then the sheep and the "White Cap" are
about half the size, if not a little bigger than the sheep.  So if you were to bring the two to the same
distance away from the camera, the "White Cap" would be about twice the size of the sheep and no fish
could make a splash that big...unless it's HUGE."
loch ness monster picture
loch ness monster picture
Above:  Close-up of the splash and what looks to be a long
snake-like body.
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