Orbs & Halos Related?                                        Back to Orbs

Recently, we received an article from George D. Stewart (GeorgeDStewart.com) that
correlated modern day orbs captured in photographs with halos formerly depicted in
artwork for hundreds of years.  What a great concept and one which we believe could
have merit.  The following is an excerpt from George's article, with the entire writing
complete with photos downloadable in .pdf format:
Saints: Past & Present
by George D. Stewart

In antiquity, there existed a people considered holy.
These were the saints - people who were virtuous and
upright. They were easily identified both in the
scriptures and in art, by the crown of light called the
halo. Often referred to as the "nimbus" in art, the halo
was a gift from God and considered a symbol of the
individual’s righteousness.
What was not understood until recently was that the halo was actually a spirit.  These
spirits, assuming their natural spherical shape
, were often depicted in art as disks, rings
and sometimes more accurately defined as a cloud or mist about
the head. These were
the Holy Spirits.

In modern times, the saints and their spirits continue to be the subject of the
photographic artist. With the advent of digital imaging and the internet, photographs of
the saints abound. What were once paintings of the saints and
their halos has been
replaced by images of assumed ordinary people and their
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