See examples of human-form shadows in pictures...
Shadow ghosts frighten people due to their appearance of being black like "darkness." The following pages are shadow ghost pictures, great examples to understand how shadow ghosts may appear to the camera and naked eye. Shadow ghosts are simply people who live in the shadows but have a dark countenance due to their condition. Earthbound spirits are not demons or devils but people who are trapped on the earth plane.
More About Shadow Ghosts
Shadow ghost pictures are a great way to study what many say they have seen from the corner of their eye: a shadow that moves. Shadow ghosts are people who have remained earthbound after the passing of their physical body. Instead of moving unto the light, where a life-review and cleansing process is typically experienced upon the spirit leaving the lifeless-body, the person decided to stay with the physical environment which they have become attached to. There are numerous reasons why a person remains behind and does not continue the life-journey, but the root of all reasons seems to be fear in some form or fashion.
When studying shadow ghosts, understand that the manifestation of the ghost's dark appearance is due to the condition within the spirit of the person - a condition of being "lost" and in need of assistance. We believe the "lack of understanding" temporarily covers over the light or "truth" within such person. Many shadow ghosts choose to hide in the shadows and not be seen. A person who hides is a person who is afraid; and that person is trapped in a personal hell.
More Dark Shadow Ghost Pictures
Pictures of shadow ghosts we have posted in the past show them in human form and mist.
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Shadow Ghost Stories
Shadow Ghosts
Shadow People
Types of Shadow People