Shadow Person Ghost Picture                        Back to Ghost Pictures

Ian Hutchinson has studied this shadow person ghost picture and has pointed out some interesting facts
about it.  Many people think shadow ghosts are bad or only adults.  They do not understand that children
can be ghosts, too.  Religion has taught many people incorrectly about what happens when we die.  This
photo could be proof that a child can be a shadow ghost, too.  Dr. Dave Oester, founder of the
International Ghost Hunters Society, has recorded child shadow ghosts playing with one another:

"I have got a still picture of what looks like a shadow of a person that stood in the middle of a doorway (no
it's not some cheap fake or just a simple shadow on a wall joke).  When on a school trip to a place called
Heatree House near Heatree Cross about six years ago when I was nine or ten, I was playing practical
jokes on the other students in the main building.  At the time, I was hiding at the top of the stairs waiting for
someone to come up so I could jump out at them, and take a picture of them looking surprised.  When I did
this, I managed to capture in my picture what appears to be the shadow of someone behind the banister,
even though there isn't anyone to cast that shadow other than me and the girl on the stairs.  I hadn't
noticed this figure for about five years and thought it was just her shadow.  More recently I realized that her
shoulders are not in the correct position to cast the shadow, and I didn't have a light source behind me to
cast my own shadow.  What also has disturbed me a bit is the fact that this shadow stood in front of an
open doorway without being distorted, even though a normal shadow would be distorted by the hole where
the door would be when closed. The shadow is also a lot darker than the surrounding shadows.  No
features can be seen of the shadow except for distinct curly hair (also like a shadow)."
little child shadow ghost
Close-up of the
shadow person
hiding behind
the banister.  
Often times,
shadow ghosts
remain in the
shadows and
try to remain
hidden.  We
were unable to
lighten it to
reveal any
details of a
person, but we
wonder why the
one shoulder
seems to be
something blue
on the right (in
top picture).
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