Staffordshire Ectoplasm Ghost Picture          Back to Ghost Pictures

Francesca Flynn and Garron Dodd sent this nice ectoplasm ghost picture taken in Staffordshire, England.  
Notice the vapor trails of the ecto mist...

"The picture was taken whilst I was out walking with two friends in Keele Woods, Staffordshire, in England.
We are all students at Keele University, and wanted to take some photos in the surrounding countryside to
send to the annual year book.  Keele is a very beautiful and rural place, with a large woodland. The woods
almost felt like a magical place, as it had such a rich history dating back to the 1500s when the adjoining
Keele Hall was erected for the infamous Lord Sneyd, and was filled with relics of the past, such as disused
boating lakes and dry wells. The woods are very extensive, and it is easy to get lost as the paths are
relatively untrodden and overgrown. We wanted to take the pictures for the year book as not many
students know about their existence. This picture was taken after about 3 hrs of walking in the woods. It
was a warm summer day and we were in full swing with taking the photos. I took this picture looking down at
a stream but when it flashed up on my screen I totally panicked! I looked up from the camera but there was
nothing to explain what we had captured. I screamed for my friends to come and see the picture. I was
really panicking and saying how it looked like a face. As soon as my friends saw it they all freaked out and
we all started running. We had to run back through the woods and it took us ages - I don't think I've ever
been so scared in my life!  Even when we got home, we could not rationalize the situation.  It was a hot day,
no condensation or water vapour, no one was smoking...I have no way to explain it! Weird!?!?!"
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