Who Is Jesus?                                     Back to Spiritual Writings

Many today worship the man "Jesus" as God.  But, I do not believe that was his
message.  Jesus always pointed to his "heavenly Father" as the supreme being, and
accepted himself as being a "son of God."   All of us are sons of God.  However, the
worshipping of a man as God is a senseless act and is what I now call "Jesus
Religion."  I do not believe it is truth, and is simply a distortion of Jesus' teachings into
an organized religion.  If an organized, man made religion was what Jesus had
intended to create, then he would have himself established church buildings and the
worship of himself as creator.  No, men who were with him and who came after him
both are guilty of creating a false religious system that is quite powerless and leads
to nowhere.  This system appears good and true, but is dead and quite frankly
disgusting to those who can see the depth of its deception..  It is based on the fear of
a false eternal hell and twisted doctrines and teachings which can never make sense
when fully examined.

What is ironic is that the same religious system of control that attacked Jesus and
nailed him to a cross because of the threat he posed to that system, is now what has
spawned from those who profess to follow and speak for Jesus.  Most christian
leaders say they teach "God's word," but create fear, guilt and condemnation to gain
followers and call it Jesus' message.  Jesus' message could not be further from their
false message. Jesus had followers flock to him to hear his words, and all without
beating them up in God's name (Now, that is what I call a threat to organized
religion!).  First of all, he never attacked people; he only attacked religion, its leaders
and teachers who sold its false doctrines.  Secondly, Jesus always pointed to the
kingdom being at hand now and within mankind; not coming someday and outside of
mankind.  He never taught a condemning message of fear through the idea of an
eternal hell; but instead proclaimed "all of us will be salted with fire" and "the gates of
hell shall not prevail!"  If the gates of hell come down for the righteous, they also must
come down for the  unrighteous; for the same gates imprison all mankind...the gates
of fear, condemnation, guilt and wrong beliefs.

Maybe it is time for you to re-examine your beliefs: search for Jesus' true message.  
How about search for truth and then you will know his true message...
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"Dear Lord, Protect me from
your followers."
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"Fear is manmade.
Religion is Fear."
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