LC Duplatt, Publisher                       Back to: About Angels & Ghosts 

The story behind LC Duplatt and Angels & Ghosts.

LC Duplatt has been interested in the paranormal and spiritual since a young age when he experienced a miracle healing manifest through prayer.  Having perceived there being “more than what his eyes could see,” due to personal paranormal and spiritual experiences, he was eventually driven to seek what he felt was a close association between ghosts, angels, spirits, and spiritual, psychic and charismatic phenomena. 


In the latter 1980’s, LC became very devoted to biblical doctrines and study, eventually chairing a group of elders, while teaching, ministering spiritual gifts, and occasionally preaching within a local Christian church.  Personal charismatic, spiritual experiences eventually led him away from religion, toward the pursuit of truth in 1997.  Spiritual interpretations of the bible were personally revealed and studied by LC, believing them to be much more freeing than the fearful, traditional, fundamentalist doctrines of which he once subscribed and taught.


After writing many unpublished articles about what he considered spiritual truths, by 2003, LC conceived of the concept for the website Angels & Ghosts.  The website would seek to explore paranormal evidence, seeking to eventually reconcile it with the spiritual truths he had gleaned, thus allowing visitors to the site to consider the existence of spirit and how various spiritual and paranormal experiences might be related and occurring within their own lives.  Today, Angels & Ghosts is truly an on-going project and will be extensively updated the Spring of 2008 in an attempt to tie-together years of evidence with years of spiritual experience.


Since 2007, LC has also been researching and experimenting with new, possible two-way spirit communication by utilizing an electronic device that many have dubbed the “ghost box.”  This spirit communicator allows for the possibility of receiving relevant messages from the other side that could be helpful in freeing lost souls.  He feels it very important for people who have died, yet have not moved on in their life journey, to be helped in moving forward - spirit rescued.  It is LC’s conviction, that all of us are spiritually connected and one; no one remaining lost and tormented forever in an eternal hell.

Copyright 2008
Angels & Ghosts, LLC
