Catfish Plantation Apparition Photo

Ghost photo of what looks to be a woman, an apparition, in a period time-era dress. It was taken inside of the Catfish Plantation restaurant, a farmhouse now converted into a dining establishment.

The Cajun restaurant has embraced the haunting, allowing professional paranormal investigations. Supernatural activity is commonly reported there, such as cold spots, opening and closing doors, dishes stacking, knives disappearing every night and objects being thrown - even food!

The site is said to be haunted by two female ghosts, Caroline and Elizabeth, and a male ghost by the name of Will (according to psychics).

The three former residents are said to have died in the home with Elizabeth being strangled on her wedding day back in the early 1920s. She has been sighted still wearing her wedding dress.

Will was a farmer who died here during The Great Depression and is said to still walk the front porch. Caroline, who died in the restaurant in the late 1970s, is supposedly an irritable, strong-willed, ghostly tosser of objects within the kitchen area. Psychics believe she does not know she died.

The Catfish Plantation has also been featured on TV and had its story air on the Travel Channel's Extreme Restaurants.

Is it real or not? We're still trying to find the story behind this ghost pic.

Catfish Plantation Restaurant is located in Waxahachie, Texas.