Dreamer's Sensing Spirits Ghost Story

by Dreamer

This is a true story submitted to us, prior to Angels & Ghosts, back about 2002-2003. We believe Dreamer is having visitors who are either curious or in search of help.  Sometimes, children may be attracted to us and just want to hang around in spirit for comfort.  Spirits are all around us - we just may not comprehend their presence, and if we do, we might not understand their motive. The following is Dreamer's story of beginning to sense the spirits around her...an awakening to what has been occuring behind the curtain, if you will...

In the last few years, I have begun sensing spirits around me, pretty much all the time. At home, in all rooms, even at work! I get the touches on my hands, the pressure on my head, the sounds, the smells (the flower smell especially), and the shadows and flashes in my peripheral vision. A couple of times I woke up and felt someone holding my hand. Most of the time I just "feel" their presence. I am trying to understand why they are around me and what they want from me. What are they trying to tell me? I was in a very dangerous car accident many years ago...the medical staff at the hospital said I should have died. They were all surprised I lived and said that in most cases of an accident such as mine, the people who come to them are in body bags.  I walked away with only major bruising and stitches. They didn't even make me stay overnight at the hospital. I was lucky. God was watching over me.

But now...

I saw a little girl ghost in my room at 2:00am in the morning. She stared at me curiously and then turned and walked into my mirror which I sensed and just "knew" was the "other side."  Months later, I heard the sound of little girls singing, "Ring-Around-The-Rosy," at 10:30 at night...there were no little girls in our neighborhood at the time.  Our nearest neighbor had two young boys, and my father said he couldn't hear a thing.  I sense presences and I once heard whispers from a female spirit in my ear as I awoke early one morning.  I dream about past lives...at least I think they are past lives. And they are so real I wake up crying sometimes.  I also feel like I am reliving others' memories or life experiences. I feel tired all the time since I dream so deep and constantly.  I remember my dreams about 90% of the time.  Many are so clear and so very detailed my friends joke I should be in the business of making movies.  How am I to handle this and deal with this, as it seems it will not go away and is a part of my life?  My friends have all told me I am "sensitive," some meaning it in a "psychic" sense, while others mean it in an "emotional" sense. I don't mind it but I want to understand how I live with this in my life...