Night Hike Spirit Photo?

A light abnormality seems to reach out and grab a man's shoulder during a night hike. Did a spirit keep him from falling over the edge?

"This photo was taken in the Summer of 2013. My daughter, Sunshine, and her boyfriend were taking a night hike in Palmer Park, here in Colorado Springs. Her boyfriend stood on the edge of a high rock formation for the picture and held out his arms for the photo. As Sunshine snapped the photo, her boyfriend said 'I hope I don't fall.' This photo is the result!!! Sunshine said she saw the light travel in front of her phone as she snapped the picture." - Jayde Lanning

The swoosh of light coming into the frame of the photo does not appear to be something dangling that could have swung in front of the lens (e.g. bracelet, camera strap, etc.). Its position and appearance does not indicate it being an explainable thing; we have seen hundreds of camera strap photos in our decade-plus of reviewing ghost and spirit photographs. This is not such.

The light in this particular photo is peculiar as it appears to travel from the bottom, upward - out to the boyfriend - very cool!

Can spirits protect us? Could an unseen spirit have reached out to possibly save this person from falling off a cliff?