A collection of some of the more fascinating predictions made by three different psychics for the year 2015...
Judy Hevenly 2015 Predictions
Judy has made some mind-numbing picks over the years, so why not take a look at her 'educated guesses' for the next 12 months?
We especially liked the technology news of TVs that will allow all of us see the digital world a bit better!
- Cars will communicate with each other via technology that will help drivers avoid accidents, even driving themselves.
- An Eurasian Union is formed. What?
- A famous religious leader passes away; a former President of U.S. dies this year
- A new US law will be put in place by Congress, banning the selling of guns to people with mental disorders.
- 5G phone networks will make our smartphones faster!
- The first artificial heart that regulates itself will be implanted in a human.
- Vladimir Putin's reign of power will end this year for Russia.
- North Korea gets a new leader in 2015.
- The Pope will resign by the end of the year due to illness.
- Television screens that correct our vision, digitally and without the need for wearing glasses, will debut.
Source: JudyHevenly.com
Psychics UK 2015 Predictions
Some International, bold predicitions from psychic Craig of the United Kingdom - will these odd happenings occur this year?
Most are plausible prognostications while a few (especially a China/Russia 'marriage') could be world-changing if even remotely true!
- Massive volcanic eruptions occur in both Japan and Hawaii
- A death in the Royal family happens in 2015.
- Scientists will discover weird fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field.
- Russia and China will become close partners, maybe even economic and military agreements. Such a powerful alliance could challenge the US and world.
- India will grow faster than China, economically-speaking.
- Mexico will get its first female president this year: Josefina Vázquez Mota.
- Mexico City will get hit with a rather large earthquake in 2015.
- A celebrity will be kidnapped this year.
- A member of the Saudi Arabian Royal Family will be attacked by terrorists.
- Facebook and Amazon will develop search engine algorithms for the Internet in the hope of taking down Google.
- Jeb Bush will become President of the United States, elected next November.
Source: Psychics.co.uk
Psychic Nikki Picks for 2015
Psychic Nikki seems to be leaning toward two things: earthquakes and terrorist attacks for 2015.
We pulled some of the more interesting of her foretellings and have compiled this list...
- Washington, DC is rocked by a massive earthquake
- Washington, DC is rocked again by terrorists
- London, England suffers a terrorist attack
- The states of Colorado, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming experience quakes
- Sunken treasure is found off the coast of Florida
- Eagles will attack people in Anchorage, Alaska
- An earthquake destroys Tokyo in 2015
- Casablanca, Morocco is hit by terrorism
- Melbourne, Australia undergoes a terrorist attack
- Chicago, the windy city, also has a quake
- San Francisco and souther California has a huge earthquake as long predicted
- Auckland, New Zealand is struck by a meteor
- Some sort of space tragedy will make headlines in 2015
- Countries will be invaded this year by Russia
- Moscow, Russia will be invaded by the US and England
- Another tragedy will occur with the New World Trade Center
- Toronto, Canada suffers terrorism
- Terrorists attack Scotland
- Vladimir Putin of Russia will be in danger
Source: psychicnikki.com