Tow Truck Angel Story

A Message From a Tow Truck Driver Helps Direct Her Choice
by Carla Foft

My husband and I had been having significant difficulty achieving a pregnancy. Medical tests indicated that we both had serious medical problems which might make conception impossible. This was especially true on the part of my husband. After much soul searching, we agreed to try artificial insemination with donor sperm at a medical facility in Lubbock, Texas.

I was required to perform a chemical test of my urine each morning, during my suspected fertile time. This test was supposed to indicate whether I was ovulating or not. I had done this for two months, traveled to Lubbock and gotten inseminated twice, and had still not become pregnant. I talked to my husband and told him that I was ready to give up the attempts and to adopt children instead. He wanted me to try one more time, so I agreed.

The morning that I was to perform the test, I prayed for God’s guidance because I still wasn’t comfortable with going for the insemination. I sensed no definite reply, so I started to perform the necessary test. The test tube slipped from my hand and shattered on the floor. I did not have another test to use. When I told my husband what had happened, he said I should go ahead with the procedure as my temperature chart had indicated that I should be within the fertile time frame.

I started my drive to Lubbock and was greeted with a torrential downpour which flooded the highway. I came to a point where a policeman was stopping traffic and asking people to turn around due to a very deep puddle in the road. I told him that I would pay for a tow truck if I flooded out and had to be rescued. He wasn’t happy, but he allowed me to continue.

I made it through the puddle, which was so deep I could see the water lapping just a few inches below my window, and continued on my way. After I drove through Lamesa, Texas, my two-year-old car just stalled without warning. I barely had enough power to steer it to the side of the road before it died and the steering locked-up. A state highway maintenance crew drove up behind me almost immediately and asked if I needed help. Now, you must realize that this was all before the common use of cell phones. I told them I was having car trouble, and they used their radio to contact the Ford garage in Lamesa to send a tow truck to my rescue.

The tow driver was friendly and a little talkative. He asked where I was going but didn’t ask what my business was in Lubbock. When I got to the Ford garage, they quickly found the problem, replaced the part, and sent me back on my way. I was able to get about 10 miles further down the road before the car died again. Once more, I was able to pull over before it locked-up on me. This time, I was rescued by a helpful, elderly man in an old farm truck. He took me directly to the Ford dealer in Lamesa and they had a different tow driver take me back out to my car. 

On the way back into Lamesa, with the car in tow, this driver kept saying that they would get me fixed up quickly, and I could get on my way to Lubbock and still be there well before 5:00 PM. Just then, the tow truck chugged to a stop, and the driver realized that he was out of gas. He had to hike back to the closest farm house to call the Ford garage for assistance. Soon, a vehicle arrived with gas for the tow truck. The man who put it in was the original driver who rescued me the first time. He traded places with the other driver and proceeded to tow my car back to Lamesa. As soon as we were moving down the road, he turned to me and asked, “Do you get the message that you aren’t supposed to go to Lubbock today?” He didn’t say, “Do you think maybe you aren’t supposed to go?” or “Do you get the feeling that you aren’t supposed to go?” He actually used the words, “Do you get the message that you aren’t supposed to go to Lubbock today?”

I simply smiled at him and answered, “Yes, I do.”

I had to call my husband to come rescue me, and it took them a week to get the part in to fix my car the second time. We later had to go back to pick it up. I told my husband what had happened, and we agreed to quit trying artificial insemination.

About a year later, I became pregnant the natural way, by my husband, and we eventually had a beautiful daughter who was later followed by a handsome son. Neither my doctor, nor his, could ever explain why he no longer suffered from the condition which had caused his temporary infertility problem. I believe that God had tried all that day to let me know that I wasn’t to continue the insemination path and that the tow truck driver was an angel there to insure that I got the message not to go to Lubbock.