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Angels Unveiled: Deciphering Their Essence

Angels, what exactly are they? These celestial beings have intrigued and captivated human imagination throughout history, taking on various forms and interpretations. From enigmatic visitors to majestic winged entities of light, angels have a unique place in our spiritual beliefs. In this exploration, we delve into our perceptions of angels, drawing from biblical, religious, and evidential perspectives to unravel the essence of these mystical beings.

**The Meaning of the Term ‘Angels’**

The term ‘angel’ finds its roots in the original Hebrew and Greek languages, where it translates to “messenger.” At its core, an angel is a spiritual being tasked with delivering a message. However, when we broaden our perspective, we realize that as sentient beings, we too can act as messengers. Thus, an angel could be anyone, living or in spirit, who conveys a message to others, transcending the boundaries of life and death.

**Angels According to Psychics**

Angels are often intertwined with enlightened spirits, existing at a higher vibrational level than spirits in the process of evolution. To grasp this concept, it’s essential to understand that all life is in a state of growth and increasing consciousness. As we expand our understanding of ourselves, we elevate our consciousness. Angelic spirits, existing at a more advanced stage, may not always manifest in human form. Instead, they might appear as shapes of colors when perceived from the earthly plane—a realm characterized by lower vibrational frequencies. This perception mirrors how some individuals can detect the auras or energy patterns of people. Others claim to sense the presence of angels, though their forms remain elusive.

Many sources, particularly those claiming direct communication with angelic beings, describe angels as elevated spirits. These spirits may have experienced human existence at one or more points in their journey. Angels often remain anonymous, acting as silent guides on our earthly voyage. They have the flexibility to adopt masculine or feminine forms as they see fit.

**Angels Found in the Bible**

To gain insight into Western beliefs about angels, we turn to the Bible, a compilation of ancient manuscripts. The New Testament presents Jesus as a frequent communicator with angels, providing clues about their nature. It’s documented that angels watched over Jesus, ready to intervene if needed. The notion of angels ascending and descending upon Jesus signifies a two-way flow of communication between the spiritual realm and our physical world. In John 1:51, Jesus references Genesis 28, where Jacob saw a ladder connecting heaven and earth, suggesting that this communication between realms is a continuous and integral part of existence.

Furthermore, the Mount of Transfiguration narrative in the New Testament, involving Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, provides a profound example of spirit-world interaction. Jesus’ luminous transformation and the appearance of Moses and Elijah emphasize the unveiling of spiritual realities behind our physical world.

**Names of Angels May Provide More Understanding**

Angel names often terminate with “el,” signifying “God” in Hebrew. An intriguing revelation is that the name “Gabriel” translates to “man of God.” Similarly, the archangel Michael’s name signifies “who is like God.” When we decode these names, a compelling concept emerges: angels are individuals who embody godlike qualities. In essence, angels can be regarded as enlightened human spirits.

**If Accurate, Jesus Told Us Who Angels Are**

In Matthew 22:30, Jesus asserts, “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as angels in heaven.” This passage suggests that, in our truest form, we are akin to angels. It implies that while bound by physical existence, we have forgotten our divine nature. This alignment with angels indicates that we, as humans, are fallen angels in need of restoration—a concept symbolically represented by resurrection, signifying our reawakening to our true identity. The Bible alludes to one-third of angels losing their original place and descending from the heavens. This can be interpreted as our temporary sojourn in the physical realm, symbolizing our momentary separation from the spiritual light and truth.

In light of this perspective, we are called “Elohim” in the Old Testament, meaning “gods.” Psalm 82 underscores the notion that humans are messengers, angels, or gods straddling both sides of existence. However, our lack of awareness leads us to wander in darkness. When Jesus quoted Psalm 82, he intended to emphasize that we, as humans, are divine messengers, yet we remain veiled by ignorance.

**The Enigmatic Nature of Angels Unveiled**

Angels remain enigmatic, multifaceted beings, intertwined with the essence of humanity’s spiritual journey. They represent the divine spark within us, obscured by earthly illusions. As we navigate our existence, we inch closer to understanding the profound truth that we, too, are messengers of light, capable of communion with the spirit world. This realization illuminates the path towards self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment, echoing Jesus’ profound revelation: “The Kingdom of God is within you.” It suggests that the eternal spirit resides within us all, and we are integral components of that boundless, eternal spirit.

In contemplating the “el” in angelic names, we acknowledge the elevated status angels hold in various religious traditions. We discern that we are beings of divine potential, existing within the tapestry of the cosmos. Like Jesus, who embodied the moniker “Immanuel,” or “God with us,” our lives hold a simple yet profound message: that religion often obscures our innate divinity and our ability to communicate with the spiritual realm. These messengers, these angels, who we ourselves are, guide humanity towards truth and enlightenment. As Jesus implied, we are the fallen angels on a quest for restoration—a journey marked by perpetual spiritual growth and ascension.

**The Never-Ending Journey of Spiritual Growth**

In this continuous journey of spiritual growth and ascension, the enigmatic role of angels takes center stage. They serve as beacons of enlightenment, showing us the way back to our true nature. Just as Jesus shattered the illusions of his time, unveiling the hidden truths, so too does the concept of angels challenge conventional beliefs.

**The Resonance of Angelic Wisdom**

The resonance of angelic wisdom echoes through the ages, inviting us to embrace our inner divinity and connect with the higher realms. It beckons us to acknowledge that the celestial beings we revere are reflections of our own potential. We are not merely vessels navigating earthly existence; we are divine messengers capable of bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.

**Rediscovering Our Angelic Essence**

To rediscover our angelic essence is to embark on a profound inward journey, guided by the light of self-awareness. It is to recognize that, like angels, we possess the power to bring messages of hope, love, and transformation to the lives of others. As we awaken to this truth, we transcend the limitations of earthly existence and embrace our role as messengers of the divine.

**Embracing the Angel Within**

Embracing the angel within is an act of spiritual liberation, a declaration of our innate divinity. It is a recognition that we are not fallen beings but souls on a quest for enlightenment. In this revelation, we find solace, unity, and purpose—a purpose rooted in the eternal dance of growth and ascension.

**Conclusion: Angels as Mirrors of Our Potential**

In the profound tapestry of existence, angels serve as mirrors reflecting our boundless potential. They embody the essence of enlightened messengers, urging us to awaken to our true nature. As we journey through life, let us remember that we are not separate from the angels we revere; we are, in essence, kindred spirits on an eternal quest for self-discovery and spiritual elevation. In embracing this truth, we embrace the angelic within ourselves, bringing us closer to the divine light that guides our path.

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