“Welcome to ‘First Steps With Haunting.’ you’ll learn to better understand whether or not a place is haunted, the types of ghosts one might encounter, typical ghost behavior and recommendations of how to deal with haunting. We’ve broken this guide into steps, and we’ll begin with ‘Signs.’
When people initially believe they might be haunted by ghosts, it is common for the mind to feel fearful. It is this fear that must first be learned to be managed, and you can do this by writing down a list of the experiences that you think might be paranormal. (In this case, paranormal just means something that we think is not normally encountered.)
After making your list of odd experiences, it is time to begin researching to see if there might be a plausible, non-paranormal cause behind the phenomenon. For example, many houses have creaks and strange noises that are not caused by ghosts. Electrical disturbances, such as flickering lights, are more commonly caused by faulty wiring than the supernatural. You get the idea. Search the Internet for answers that might explain each item on your list.
At this point, you should have a list of only unexplained phenomena; if no items remain on your list, then your house is most likely ghost-free. You can breathe easily.
If items remain on your list of unexplained experiences, then let’s check them against common signs that could indicate your house is haunted. Most true, active cases of haunting have multiple signs associated with them. So, having just one experience from the list is not necessarily a strong indicator that an active ghost haunts your home.
Examine the following infographic and see if any of these items are on your list. Of course, it is not all-inclusive, but it does provide you with a good list of signs to look for in your case of potential haunting:”
– Strange Noises:
– Disembodied footsteps, banging, or knocking.
– Opening & Closing of Doors:
– Bedroom, cupboard, and cabinet doors moving without explanation.
– Unexplained Cold Spots:
– Areas of unusual cold, potentially caused by odd energy from spirits.
– Ghostly Writing:
– Hand or fingerprints and writing appearing on walls or paper.
– Mists & Vapors:
– Reports of white or grey clouds of mist.
– Lights Going On & Off:
– Electronic items operating autonomously.
– Strange Behavior of Pets:
– Pets reacting to or sensing something unseen.
– Unfamiliar Odors:
– Smelling scents associated with specific individuals.
– Levitating Objects:
– Objects seemingly floating on their own.
– Moving Shadows:
– Sightings of black static mists or figures.
– Objects Disappear & Re-appear:
– Items mysteriously vanishing and reappearing.
– Weird Feeling of Being Watched:
– Sensation of someone observing when no one is present.
– Objects Moving on Their Own:
– Witnessing objects moving without any apparent cause.
– Hearing Voices:
– Whispers, cries, or hearing one’s name being called.
– Being Touched:
– Sensations of being caressed, bumped, pushed, or scratched.
– Apparitions – People:
– See-through human figures.
If you’re certain your place is haunted, it’s time to delve into the haunting itself and determine its type.
Different types of hauntings exist. Most ghosts are not disembodied human spirits mingling with the living. Consider the following classifications of ghosts one might experience:
– Ghost of a Living Person:
– Spirits of living people witnessed (known as a doppelganger) are not traditional active ghosts to be rid of.
– Crisis Apparition:
– Haunting by the ghost of a loved one, especially soon after their passing (known as a ‘crisis’ apparition), may be a mental construct of the witness.
– Environmental Imprint:
– Residual energy from past events, non-active with witnesses, often a glimpse of the past recurring for different observers.
– Time Slips:
– Occasions where people report stepping back in time and interacting with individuals from the distant past; not an active ghost to eliminate.
– Poltergeist Haunting:
– Noisy, supernatural activity involving object movement. Some theorize it may be tied to telekinesis, potentially from an unaware teenager, but an active ghost could also mimic such behavior.
– Elementals:
– Primitive entities possibly linked to burial sites; investigating the building’s history might reveal connections.
– Traditional Ghost:
– The spirit of a deceased person remaining earthbound; often possible to help them move on if willing or able to communicate with the living.
Examine the experiences in your haunting case to determine which classification it aligns with from the above list. The subsequent information assumes the behavior stems from a traditional ghost, indicating an active haunting that might have traits of other ghost classifications.
Ghosts manifest in various ways, potentially captured differently by cameras than seen by the human eye. Reports include sightings of:
– Apparitions: See-through human figures.
– Shadows: Black ‘static’ human-like forms.
– Vapors: White, grey, or black mist-like forms.
– Balls of Light: Moving orbs of light.
Additionally, here are some ghost photo examples for reference.
Note: Using orb photographs to verify haunting is not recommended as many factors, such as moisture, dust, lint, pollen, etc., can cause the appearance of light orbs in photographs.
– Spirit mist enveloping the body.
– Real apparition of a woman.
– Real shadow mist-like form.
– Female apparition photo.
Encountering ghosts and haunting has long been a mystery. What exactly are ghosts, and why would they aim to scare us? Misconceptions about ghosts often stem from our fear of the unknown.
Active ghosts are believed to be disembodied human spirits, individuals who retain intelligence and emotions similar to us. Therefore, fearing the spirits of people might be unnecessary, and it’s likely that we can learn to communicate with them if we overcome our fear.
Consider what might happen after death. Some might find themselves in a state of bliss, akin to heaven, while others might experience fear and suffering, akin to hell. When people die and remain earthbound, they become ghosts – individuals left here without a physical form. These silent observers feel forgotten and trapped, unable to be seen or heard. Their communication seems cut off, making them feel as if they no longer exist, intensifying their fear.
Certain ghosts may panic, becoming desperate to communicate with the living. However, without a physical body, the question arises: how can they do so? Lacking vocal cords, ghosts must rely on their intellect and creativity to make their presence known to those who live unaware alongside them.
Ghosts seek to communicate. They may have various intentions, such as delivering messages to their family, seeking help to reunite with loved ones who passed away before them, wishing to overcome their fears, or desiring guidance to reach a peaceful state in the afterlife.
In many instances of traditional haunting, supernatural occurrences stem from ghosts attempting to make contact with the living. Strange experiences within hauntings often signify attempts at communication, utilizing any available means to attract the attention of witnesses. Recognizing this, it’s essential not to succumb to fear when encountering ghostly activity.
Most ghosts are not malevolent, though encounters with spirits with ill intentions can occur occasionally. Chances are that the haunting involves an intelligent and reasonable spirit. Therefore, to resolve a haunting in the best possible way, it’s important to attempt communication to understand how to help the disembodied soul find peace.
Primarily, it’s crucial to overcome your fears, as lingering fear might allow a ghost, like a living person, to exert some control over the household. Once fear is managed, it’s time to initiate communication.
– Let the Ghost Know:
– Openly acknowledge the presence of the ghost and express a willingness to help or understand their needs.
– Ask for Respect:
– If the supernatural activity is unsettling, it’s acceptable to request that the ghost lessen its manifestations.
– Show Compassion:
– Initiate communication with empathy and care for the disembodied soul. Avoid disrespect, harshness, or attempts to provoke the spirit.