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Ghosts video clips as collected by Angels & Ghosts ...

Each ghosts video segment has its own page.  We chose to share some video clips showing evidence of ghosts, including documentaries.

The ghost box video is extremely good, and you will also enjoy the real ghosts video .

We are using Flash format for quicker bigger videos wherever possible.  Can't see the videos?  You may need Flash 9 or the latest FireFox browser.  It's free.

Ghosts Video
Ghost Box Video
Great video from Steve Hill of Piedmont Paranormal tries an experiment using the ghost box to prove that spirits can see us.

Ghost Light Video
Steve captures a moving ghost light anomaly.

Free Psychic Reading
More Ghosts Video
Real Ghosts Video
Collected video evidence of ghosts moving objects.

Ghost Passes Video
Filipino ghost video possibly shows a ghost passing by in the background.

St. James Ghost Video
The St. James Theater is haunted and was a former church. Ghost photo possibly shows a parishioner after the night's investigation.
Ghosts Video
Cliff Jumper Ghost
Shocking ghost video of a spectre jumping off a cliff into the ocean. Is the ghost re-living this tragedy?

Animation Ghost?
Ghost video is supposed to show an apparition, but we bet it was faked.

Ghost Photos Video
Video collection showing photos of ghosts.

Ghost Books!


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Angels & Ghosts, LLC