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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
Ectoplasm in Ghost Pictures
View ectoplasm ghost pictures and understand more about this paranormal oddity...

True ectoplasm in ghost pictures is not as common as some other ghostly anomalies captured in photographs, such as orbs.

Although smoke, fog, steam, moisture, or human breath are often mistaken as ghost mists, naturally occuring phenomena cannot explain photos with true ectoplasm vapor trails.
Ectoplasm in Ghost Pictures
Apparition Ghost Picture Example
First, look at this apparition photo. Some accounts of ectoplasm tell of the mist morphing into an apparition like this.

Ectoplasm Apparition Ghost Picture
Nice example photo of an apparition forming within an ectoplasm mist
(as pictured, up top).

Whaley House Ectoplasm Ghost Picture
Is this ectoplasm forming the body of a small child ghost before it becomes an apparition?

Ectoplasm Vapor Ghost Picture
Very close shot of ectoplasm vapor trails. This is too big and pronounced to be cigarette smoke swirls.

TB Hospital Ectoplasm Ghost Picture
Ectoplasm mist forms around them at a haunted site. Partial vapor trails present. This example is definitely not caused by the photographer's breath.

Anomaly or Ectoplasm?
This unknown object bears a striking resemblance to ectoplasm of old. It has a shadow and is not a "light bar" caused by the wrong camera flash setting.
More Ectoplasm Pictures
Basement Ectoplasm Ghost Picture
Incredible ghost image from the past. Ghost mist looks to be forming a person.

1963 Ectoplasm Ghost Picture
Old ghost photograph of ecto vapor trails seeming to form legs and standing upright.

Casper's Ghost Picture
Still one of our favorite ectoplasm photos, as it reveals very nice vapor trails!

Ectoplasm in the 1800s
Article: Ectoplasm
Learn how ectoplasm got its start in the paranormal.

Article: Mediums & Ectoplasm
Article about ectoplasm and the psychic mediums who produced it last century.

Minnie Harrison Ectoplasm Pictures
Ms. Harrison was a psychic medium of note in the 1940-1950's. See her ectoplasm.

Mina Crandon Ectoplasm Pictures
Also known as Margery, this psychic was famous for her ectoplasm during trances!
Pictures of Ectoplasm Ghosts
Ghosts are disembodied people who are lost and are remaining earthbound, meaning on this physical plane. Sometimes, ghosts and spirits captured in pictures appear as mists, vapors or fogs. Today, in modern ghost hunting, this is type of ghost manifestation is sometimes referred to as "ectoplasm." It is important when trying to capture ghosts with a camera or video camera, that the photographer remember not to exhale during shots; otherwise, warmed breath in cold air can produce a vaporous mist. The ghost photographer must also keep a lookout for moisture in the air (rain, snow, fountain dew, cigarette smoke and steam. Our friend and fellow ghost investigator, Kathy Owen has reproduced some of these effects for us so that you can compare: False Ectoplasm Ghost Pictures.

Ectoplasm, manifestations of spirit in physical form, typically have vapor trails that are pronounced. Many believe that ectoplasm is the initial stage before a ghost manifests as an apparition.

Ectoplasm first was coined to describe a milky substance purportedly secreted from the orifices of psychic medium about a century ago. It eventually evolved into describing ghostly mists. You can see more ectoplasm ghost pictures here: Mists & Vapors Ghost Pictures and Ectoplasm Ghost Picture Examples.
An unknown psychic medium is photographed in the 1800s purportedly "oozing" spirit ectoplasm out of her hear and onto a table during a seance. This type of ectoplasm was later thought to be faked by mediums of the day and should not be confused with ghostly mists or vapors.

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