Angels & Ghosts Special Feature!
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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
Ghost Pictures: Orb Photographs
Study ghost pictures of orbs...balls of light.
Orb photographs have been intriguing people, especially, since the digital camera age. Orbs in photographs can be caused by dust, pollen, lint, moisture, flash reflection and insects. We've created examples of these faux orb photographs so you can learn how dust and other types of orbs are created. You won't be fooled by false orb anomalies after taking a look at the sample pics. We've also included orb photographs that demonstrate some interesting ghost light phenomena which we believe merits a more research.
Interesting Orb Photographs
Uncrossed Orb Photographs
Did Daniel visit with family the day he was buried? Look at these photographs.

Variations In Orb Photographs
Orbs come in different shapes, colors and sizes. Here are some photographs...

Catacombs Orb Photograph
Shocking photo of skeletons has orbs in it. Dust or spirit? You decide...

Orb Behind Dog Photograph
Nice orb picture has to be an energy orb, because it is not close to the lens!

Smiling Orb Photographs
Kathy Owen captured some faces in orbs.

Orb In Daylight Photograph
A very cool picture of an orb that appeared on a clear day at a graveyard.

Cat Orb Photograph
Kevin knew something just didn't look right. He checked other photos and solved it!

Orb Animation
Norm made this animation of an orb moving across the screen of his video camera.

Get Rid Of Dust Orbs
Here's how to reduce pollen, dust and lint in your ghost photos.
False Orb Photographs
Dust Orb Photographs
Kathy Owen created lint dust and recorded many orbs in her photographs.

Dust Orbs Video
In this video, LC creates lint dust so you can see it reflecting the camera flash.

Pollen Orb Photographs
Yes, high amounts of pollen in the air will create cross-hatched orbs in photographs.

Insect Ghost Photographs
Insects that are flying close to the camera lens, whether small or large, can appear orb-like, due to the flash reflection.

Glass Reflection Orb Photographs
Kathy shows us again how orbs can be made mistakenly in photographs.

Hair Orb Photographs
Photographer's hair can appear as a moving orb in photographs.

Snow Orb Photographs
The white stuff can look like tons of orbs...

Rain & Moisture Orb Photographs
Smallest amount of moisture can appear as orbs.  Even barely detectable fine mists.

Lens Smudge Orb Photographs
Learn about this other cause of false orbs found in photos...
Are Orbs Actually Ghosts in Photographs?
Ghosts are spirits of disembodied people who seem to be captured in a variety of ways in photographs. We do believe that some orbs exhibit energy and intelligence, when all other explanations have been ruled out. The Brown Mountain Lights have been seen for decades, but recently, the phenomena behind these balls of light has been discovered to be balls of plasma. Electrical charges are created during and after rainstorms as rainwater runs down into the rock (quartz and magnetite). These charges build-up and then must be released, becoming visible as gas-like clouds of free electrons called a "ghost light" orb. This effect was reproduced in the laboratory by Joshua P. Warren of LEMUR.

If orbs such as the
Brown Mountain Lights can be proven to be balls of energy, then why couldn't spirit energy manifest the same way? Some orbs captured in photographs cannot be easily explained away, especially when what one might consider to be normal explanations are ruled out. What we are left with is a paranormal phenomena that seems to point to orbs being a manifestation of spirit energy...possibly even a person in spirit. We believe that both ghosts and spirits can appear as orbs with an internal light source. Spirits would exhibit in theory, a brighter orb of light, while ghosts could exhibit a shaded, seemingly cloudy orb of light. This is only conjecture at this point, but a theory that we are exploring. Some of the above photographs of orbs have helped us to understand the orb phenomena better. Whether it be an orb created by something non-spirit, or what we believe to be a spirit orb, all photographs have assisted in understanding these anomalies in a greater way.

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