Paranormal Investigators in Other Countries Canada Paranormal Investigators Trent Hill Ghost Seekers - Ontario paranormal investigators collecting proof of life after death... Saulte Ste Marie Paranormal Research Group - Ontario ghost investigation group; member of PsiCan. Germany Paranormal Investigators CEPI - Central European Paranormal Investigators based in Bavaria, Germany. PIN - Paranormales in Niedersachsen. Paranormal Nord - Hamburg, Germany Paranormal Investigators. GhostWatchers - Netzwerk Paranormaler Investigatoren. Paranormal Sud - Der Horizont ist nicht das ende... Holland Paranormal Investigators Haunted Holland - a new paranormal investigation group...a little team, but we are growing. India Paranormal Investigators Ministry of Supernatural Research - First paranormal organization in India. Indian Paranormal Society - Non-profit organization researching paranormal phenomena through scientific research. Paranormal Research Society of India- Not-for-profit paranormal help for those experience haunting. Ireland Paranormal Investigators Leinster Paranormal - Investigations, plus technical information and forum website. United Kingdom Paranormal Investigators Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire - a paranormal investigation team based in Essex in the South East of England. Compass Paranormal Pay to join one of their real, paranormal investigations and get more for your money than a ghost tour! Alpha Paranormal Investigations - an experienced, open-minded, objective and honest paranormal investigating team in East Sussex, UK. Northern Ghost Investigations - a Northeast England paranormal investigation group. Project Reveal - we do paranormal research in Yorkshire / Rotherham, UK. Teesside Research Into Paranormal Activity - (T.R.I.P.A. U.K.) - North East England research & investigation team. The Isle of Wight Ghost Hunters - Assisting those who are experiencing paranormal activity for no charge. Leicestershire Paranormal Research Association (LPRA) - Dedicated to the scientific study of anomalous phenomen. Based in the Midlands, UK. UK Northamptonshire Ghost Detective- Investigating and writing about the paranormal for 15 years. |
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