Over the years, many have wanted to know more about Angels & Ghosts and who is behind the website, so we decided to work on a page devoted to our fans. We truly thank you for all of your interest.
Our Mission
The Angels & Ghosts website first launched in 2004 for the purpose of making people aware of the presence of spirit. As human beings, it seems we have lost a part of our identity, only seeing ourselves as a physical body. This way of thinking seems less than satisfying because our human bodies will pass away some day. Our findings seem to indicate that there is an afterlife - much more beyond what we can physically see. At Angels & Ghosts, we do not claim to be the experts and try to allow the visitor to decide if a picture, story, evp, or video is paranormal or not. Paranormal simply means, beyond the range of normal experience. If we have caused someone to believe that there is something more beyond the world which they see, then we have succeeded in our mission.
In 2007, Angels & Ghosts refocused its efforts to not only bring evidence of ghosts and spirits to light but to conduct field experiments in ghost communication, working to create new ways of capturing ghosts in video and picture, such as our work with full spectrum cameras. That leads us to the question, "Why do we run so much advertising on Angels & Ghosts?" The advertising helps us to cover expenses associated with maintaining and hosting thousands of pages of ghost and angel information.
In 2017, we stopped receiving submissions. After 13 years, we have shared and studied quite a lot of information. The website is kept online for the seeker who wishes to sift through over 4000 pages.
All content found on AngelsGhosts.com falls under copyright protection and may not be used without written permission from us and/or the owners of the content. Content includes all website code, images, photos, videos, stories, and articles.
You WEre Our Feet on the Ground
Finding stories and evidence was crucial, and we want to thank you for sending us your stories, images and videos of ghosts and spirits. To learn as much as we could, as quickly as possible, it was necessary to rely upon a collective human experience: you. By sending us your stories, your pieces of evidence, you are helped all of us learn greater things about our mysterious world. We enjoyed exploring the universe together.

Louis Charles' Story

Media Inquiries

Louis Charles' Guest & Media Appearances

Older Media & Guest Appearances

Study Ghosts, Angels & Spirits


Holiday Ghosts Giveaway!
About Publisher and Author, Louis Charles
Louis Charles (LC) has been interested in the paranormal since he was a kid running around woods and fields. Having experienced the paranormal in many different ways, Louis noticed a close association between ghosts, angels, spirits, as well as psychic and Christian charismatic phenomena. Having studied these experiences for years, he eventually decided to communicate his ideas via this website so others might also become aware that spirit indeed exists and much is going on around us everyday that we do not yet fully understand. His latest focus has been on spirit communication and helping ghosts, something that has become dear to his heart. To learn more about this project, visit Helping Ghosts. To learn more about Louis Charles, visit his page: Author, Louis Charles. You may also view some of Louis' past guest appearances. Media Inquiries for Paranormal Evidence
Writer and Contributor, Walt Bissell
Walter Bissell is a contributor to articles and stories for Angels & Ghosts . Born in 1949, a preacher's kid with a vast knowledge of the bible. He often taught Sunday school and filled in behind the pulpit. In 1977, Walter graduated from college with a degree in electronic engineering technology. With majors in communications and mathematics, he specialized in studies of the electromagnetic spectrum, from light to sound. Walter's own personal writings typically are very in-depth studies, looking at biblical word origins, numerology, astrology and science. They will challenge the reader to new age ideas and are for the person who likes research, research and more research! Currently, Walter is still researching the afterlife but has left Massillon, Ohio for the sunny skies and warmth of Florida.
Forum Administrator, Moderator and Contributor, Kathy Owen
Kathy Owen has contributed several photographic experiments to Angels & Ghosts to help differentiate between normal camera effects and ghostly activity. She also was formerly our administrator and a moderator for the now defunct Angels & Ghosts Forum. Inhabiting a very haunted location in Lake Isabella, California, 'Kat' became the founder of Lake Isabella Paranormal Society and has captured many fantastic ghost photographs. Her and her husband now reside in Arizona. If you wish to contact Kathy, you may e-mail her at: kathyowen69@hotmail.com
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Angels & Ghosts does not collect private information from visitors, other than those who wish to join our mailing list (we choose not to sell our e-mail lists). However, third party advertisers, such as Google, do collect information from viewers of their advertising utilizing cookies to display ads to visitors of Angels & Ghosts, as well as millions of websites across the world wide web. Google's use of DART cookies across the Internet and this website allows it to display relevent ads specific to visitors interests. Website viewers may opt out of DART cookies by visiting: http://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html
Thank you for visiting Angels & Ghosts...more to come.