For what seems to be eons, people have believed in ferocious entities in some form, akin to demons, devils and the like - something to be feared.
You might be pleasantly surprised on our view concerning the 'demonic' but only if you are able to keep an open mind and not willing to succumb to a learned, fearful interpretation. Should you trust beliefs?
Dig deep and learn about demon names, history, lore, legends and myths.

The Devil: Collective Unconsciousness

What Are Demons?

Carl Jung on Demons

Demon Possession?


Demons & Ghosts

Darkness, Light & the Paranormal

Demons & Thoughts

Demons In The Bible

Demon Names

Devil Names

Demon Lore

Fallen Angels
The Interpretation of Demons
The word "demon" evolved out of an earlier Greek term which meant 'a wise, guardian spirit.' That sounds a long way off from the Western, cultural definition of the word. Today, in culture, religion and parapsychology, demons have changed a lot from the times of the ancient Greeks.
In the information age, demons are now widely accepted as being entities with malicious intent and of non-human origin. If true, this idea is much different from the belief in ghosts (lost human spirits - the essence of a once-living person).
Consequently, quite a lot of people believe demons are powerful creatures, enemies of God and mankind - something we should all fear. And if we do not fear demons, it has become accepted that we may be on the outs with God (or at least ignorant of Christian teachings about the same).
But what if the collective belief in demons and devils, 'Satan's minions,' is actually incorrect? Could beliefs in demons actually be a newer, cultural mindset that has possessed our consciousness through incorrect religious teaching over the past 1600 years?
The Demonic Mindset
Many believe that demons are of non-human origin; but, there is also the idea that the human psyche is capable of generating a large amount of negativity, degenerating a person's mind into a poor, repugnate state that is 'demon-like' (demonic).
Everyone battles their own demons, of sorts, as it's been said. And there is basis for why this idea exists. We have the ability to produce thought forms that are dark and distorted.
We know that thought forms are powerful and can be allowed to alter one's own reality through the creation of mental constructs. Some equate the entertaining of negative thoughts with demon possession, implying that the evil thoughts, themselves, are the demons that bind. The mind is 'the devil' that creates and empowers demonic thinking.
One might also contend that, in a metaphoric sense, fallen thoughts are the equivalent to legends of fallen angels (allegorically speaking, angels can represent a higher, more pure thought form or truth). Although this seems odd, the mind is powerful.
When we recognize that what a person believes is what he or she becomes, it's easier to understand that what some may call demons are actually destructive, hurtful people - even reprobate, angry, disembodied people: negative ghosts.
Ghosts can be tangled up in emotional and mental trauma. They are people who have not moved, after death of the body, beyond the world of form and unto awareness of their deeper being. They have not yet found light, peace and joy, remaining earthbound spirits for varying reasons.
The frightening and eerie behavior of some ghosts often confuses or tricks people into believing they are witnessing non-human entities, demons. But ghosts that exhibit an evil demeanor are often capable of manipulating the environment and, sometimes, altering their appearance. They may choose to look demonic, dark, have red eyes, curse god, etc. In other words, some ghosts are so sick that they will pretend to be whatever might frighten the living.
Demon Possession and Influence
Some suppose that the opportunities for a demon to enter our world and wreak havoc is limited. They teach demons to be real, non-human entities that must be invited into one's person or life. Once the demon has an 'in,' they suggest, it will feed upon the energies expelled by negative emotions such as anxiety, fear and anger, especially those directed at the demon if detected.
However, we believe there is a more plausible, better understanding of demons: a mislabeling and mis-identification of degraded, human behavior exhibited either here and now or from beyond the grave. We base our opinion upon study and field research, some of which is found within the book, Helping Ghosts.
More to Consider About Demons: Related Topics
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