Today, many believe angels to be winged beings that live up in the sky somewhere and demons to be hideous creatures that hide behind rocks, waiting to seize their next victim. The term “angels” in the Greek means “messengers.” Consider that definition for one moment: The word messenger could be metaphorically stretched to mean that anything or anyone can be a deliverer of a message, even people or the motivator behind their message – "beliefs" or “thoughts.” We use our thoughts to influence one another. We influence each other's beliefs; we impact each other's lives. We steer people around us like sheep being led by whoever might appear to be a leader. With this idea in mind, can we relook at a hidden meaning behind angels and demons that might indicate something happening within humanity?
If we view angels as being just messengers, then people and their thoughts can easily fall into this definition. Interestingly, in contrast, the term “demons” was originally a Greek term that meant, “wise, guardian spirits.” That definition mirrors what most people believe angels to be: higher, divine beings who watch over the world and its inhabitants - communicators between God and men. And that may all be true in some fashion. But what if angels & demons are closely related? What if both are terms or ideas for messengers but with just different types of messages? Could the type of message define the type of messenger we ask? Think about it this way: a messenger bears the thoughts of the message; and a wise spirit would bring forth wisdom through thought. Perhaps a demon, which later took on the cultural idea of being an entity of malicious intent, could just be, in its most basic form, thoughts that are less than true…less than what most might call “good.” In this sense, a person with thoughts based upon untruths could be considered a demon, or unclean spirit. What? You read it - just an idea to ponder.