This is page twoof this
quarter'sghost pictureswe
have received recently from
our visitors.
Each ghost picture has its own
page with larger images, and
the full story behind the ghost
photo. We hope you enjoy
your ghost picture study while
visitingAngels & Ghosts.
Ghost Pictures [Q3 '09 - P2 Submissions from our Viewers]
Gettysburg Anomaly Ghost Picture
Did they capture the image of a Calvary soldier on horseback in the battlefields
of haunted Gettysburg? Check out this ghost picture and decide for yourself!
Ghost At School Picture
Very cool rainbow-like light floats above students and forms a ghastly face.
What caused this effect in this ghost picture?
Haunted St. Louis Ghost Picture
She heard and saw ghost activity within her boyfriend's apartment. So, she
returned with a camera and captured a mist and image in the glass doors...
Nana Watching Over Ghost Picture
Was grandma watching over the little ones she never knew when on Earth?
This compelling ghost picture reveals a remarkable face shaped like hers!
Newborn Ghost Face Picture
You'll love this humorous ghost picture of a baby and the blanket behind, which
forms a funny image that was likely created by chance.
Savannah Apparition Ghost Picture
At first glance, this ghost picture looks like it has light bars created by the "night
mode" flash setting only. But, closer inspection reveals the form of a body!
Tasha's Ghost Picture
They took a picture and found the image of a dark man reflected in the mirror.
The question remains, "Who or what is it!?"
Scary Wedding Day Ghost Picture
We know this is a classic ghost picture we've seen before, but does anyone
have more of the story behind it? If so, we'll add it to the page!
(top) Ghost Picture byJohnXFire The Angels & Ghosts website pages are published monthly.
All ghost pictures are used with permission or fall under the common use license.