11Angels & Ghosts: Exploring Spirit Phenomena...
We began our quest to better understand the afterworld over twenty years ago. The Angels & Ghosts website was launched in 2004 as a way to be able to source and share examples of spectral activity, presenting our findings for those seeking more information about various entities and uncommon phenomena.
Featured Ghost & Spirit Stories, Articles & Information!
Graveside Smoke Figure
NEW! Study this photo and read its story. You will be compelled to believe it makes a statement for life beyond death.
The smoke-like figure is made visible by the sun and strongly resembles a boy standing with those in mourning. Read some of our true ghost stories
Foto Fantasma - Brasil
NEW! In the early 1900s, it was common for photographers to create the spirits of the deceased through a widely-practiced camera trick.
Learn more about this comon practice from a bygone era...
2016 Featured Pictures & Videos of Spirits, Ghosts & Angels
Colorado Restaurant Ghost
Something appeared behind Stephanie while dining and celebrating at Gabriel's Restaurant & Tuscan Bar near Denver.
Nice ghost photo and story...
See more 2013-2014-2015-2016 ghost pictures
Winged Cherubs, Soul Effigies & Death Heads
You've seen strange icons carved into markers, but what do they mean?
We explore the mystery and some history of these odd stone carvings to better understand what went on in our early settlers' heads... See more 2013-2014-2015 angel pictures
Ghost Stories on Video!
Watch various stories about ghosts and haunting, even paranormal mysteries, put together into a collection of videos.
Watch more of our ghost videos...
Research, Examine, Analyze...
Ghosts, spirits and angels are proof of the spirit realm that we exist within, and we aim to convince. Explore thousands of pages of articles, photos, stories, videos, and audio evidence; study historical, spiritual and religious ideas about the afterlife. Enjoy paranormal experiments, web cams, ghost tours and learn more about the world of spirits.