Graveside Smoke Figure

We feel that the more one studies this photo the more compelling of a statement it makes for life beyond the grave. The smoke-like figure made visible by the sun reminds us of a boy standing, unseen, with those who are graveside. Is it a delightful spirit?

"On August 30th, 2015, our grandson passed away at a little over a month old. While at the cemetery, I took a few pictures. When we got home, I was going through my camera and came across this one. When the grave was to be closed, the loader died and wouldn't start so members of the family began to use the dirt from the loader to close the grave. I'm curious what the smoke like figure may be? - April S."

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We cannot provide a plausible, non-paranormal explanation for the cause of the light figure. The form was not created and added into the photo; nor is it a lens flare camera artifact.

The shape of the misty figure is that of human-like appearance with arms sprayed outward, with indication of legs and head. The spirit presence truly a remarkable capture by the camera and likely not visible to the eyes of the mourners that day.