Ghost Pictures 2010 Q3
This month, we are extremely pleased to bring you some fantastic ghost pictures. The photo
you see above in our banner was taken by Craig Rupp and is probably one of the best ghost
pictures we have seen in awhile. Be sure and read the full story behind the image and you will
see what we mean. The incredibly detailed image of a man (at left) is not a person in-body but
a ghost that was not there when the photograph was taken! The view is from a hill known as
"Little Roundtop" at Gettysburg. Craig is both an experimenter and excellent photographer.
Other Ghost Pictures to Explore
We have included seven other ghost photos that
are guaranteed to make you think.
On a recent trip to haunted Charleston, SC, I
had the pleasure of exploring the city with my
family. One thing that was prevalent was the
sheer number of ghost stories and legends
(such as "oogles") that have produced a flurry of
ghost tours in and around the old "Belle of the
South." While on location, we were able to learn
the story of a famous ghost picture taken in the
city at St. Philip's church. You'll see it below, too.
Our remaining six ghost pictures will make you go "hmm." The shadow ghost found at Clophill
in the United Kingdom startled the people who photographed it. The ghost picture of a light
anomaly taken during a lantern ghost tour might be, at first, easy to dismiss until you examine
it closer. The figure of what looks like a statue in the door window of a home is just puzzling.
And, the photograph of Native American face is inspiring. Keep an open mind, study the
images, and see what you may learn within this month's collection of ghost pictures.
Ghost Pictures - Select the image or text below to view the larger version of each ghost
picture, and learn more about the story behind the ghosts and experiences!
Gettysburg Ghost Soldier School Trip Ghost Picture Clophill Shadow Ghost Pic Native American Face?
Lantern Tour Ghost Photo Ghost In Door Pictures?
Charleston Ghost Picture Twilight Poster Ghost Pic?
Ghost Pictures Content Copyright 2010 Angels & Ghosts, LLC