If you make a visit to Charleston, South Carolina you must take a ghost tour. Most all of the ghost tours seem to feature the story and ghost picture of Sue Howard Hardy. Below is the ghost photograph of a specter taken within St. Philip's Church cemetery. It is a wonderful ghost photo purportedly featuring the lady who is said to have died after child birth in 1888. (Her baby died, too.) Many in haunted Charleston believe that her ghost is crying over the grave of her baby pictured in the photograph. Both the mother and baby are buried at the site found within the ghost picture.
The ghost picture was taken in 1987 using a 35mm camera with high speed film. The photo was taken by an amateur photographer coincidentally on the anniversary date of the death of the baby. He was not trying to take ghost photos that night, nor did he know the story of Sue Howard Hardy. The ghost was not seen when the photograph was taken. Later, the story about the lady of the grave and her tragedy was uncovered.
The photograph was taken 99 years after her passing, six days after Sue Hardy's child was stillborn. People have tried to recapture her image at the grave but to no avail. A lab was also used to verify the photo's authenticity, not finding any tampering!