Animals are spirit, too, like human beings. Review the following ghost photos, evidence of possible animal ghost sightings.
Animal ghost photographs could be superb evidence of the spiritual manifestation of animals within our physical world.
Animals can appear as ghosts and be captured in pictures, though many pet owners typically remain unaware of their pet's presence after the animal (usually a cat or dog) passes.

Ghost Kitten

Ghost Canine

Distorted Cat Energy Photo

Spirit Horse Ghost Picture

Ghostly Cat Face

Whaley House Dog Ghost Picture

Horse & Orbs Ghost Pictures

Ghost Dog Photograph

Ghost Pictures: Eanes-Marshall Ranch

Dog Ghost Picture

Cat Spirit Pictures

Animal Spirits Ghost Picture

Animal Ghost Pictures: Dog

Animal Ghost Pictures: Golden Retriever Pup

Animal Ghost Pictures: Horse

Animal Ghost Pictures: Westie

Animal Ghosts Picture

Ghost Dogs

Ghost Dog Photo

Ghost Horse Ghost Picture

Dog in Van Ghost Picture
Can Animals Be Ghosts?
Animals in ghost pictures? Yes. Contrary to the false belief that animals do not have souls (that they are worth less than human kind - a teaching of some religions), we are of the opinion that animals do have spirits; and just like human beings, creatures, pets and non-pets, can be found within pictures as ghosts or spirits.
Often, after the death of an animal's physical body, it will remain around its human and animal friends for a time; and then, often, move on. Upon a pet's passing, one should look for signs of the animal being around, such as noises and sounds associated with the pet, as well as a visible presence or even imprint upon where the animal formerly slept (e.g. a depression of the pet's body forming on a bed).
After a beloved pet expires, it is a great time to take pictures. Oftentimes, abnormalities such as whisps of spirit, orbs, shadows, and even apparitions of the animal may possibly appear in photos. Ghost hunters, photographs should also be taken around animals and pets because they may be visited by the recently departed furry friend.
To Learn More About Animal Ghosts, Read:
Animal Ghosts
Animal Ghost Stories
Animals in the Afterlife