Sachs Bridge Ghost Picture

The following is an amazing ghost picture, taken in Gettysburg, of Sach's Bridge. The photograph from Spirit Stalkers of Ohio is incredible when examined closely!

This unique ghost photo, showing a drab-colored soldier in period dress, has been featured on television and, in our opinion, is authentic.

"This photo was shown on 'The Maury Povich Show.'

Donna (LaCroix), from TAPS (SyFy's Ghost Hunters ), was our spokesperson for our photo. Notice the flash bounces only off of the live person in the foreground and not off the spirit in the background. This photo was nit-picked by many ghost hunters across the nation." - Dave


What we love about this photo is that the man appears in clothing and hat, possibly, from a different age. More importantly, the apparition seems to be of one hue. This is actually commonly found with ghosts sighted for many years - details of their form, especially colors, begin to fade over time (so some report - e.g. the 'drab apparition witnessed in the Mrs. Rickett's case of 1893). 

2014-2015 Social Media Praise
This Spirit Stalkers of Ohio classic ghost photo from Gettysburg's Sachs Bridge has been a Pinterest favorite since sharing it there. It's being repinned by ghost enthusiasts like crazy, giving it legs across the web along with high praise for Dave and Julie who took the photograph.