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Darkness Radio – Helping Ghosts Interview, January 5th 2011

Posted by Administrator on January 5, 2011

Louis Charles, author of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits, will be joining hosts Dave Schrader and Mallie Fox of the popular paranormal radio program The Darkness on the Edge of Town to discuss ghosts and how we can help them. Tune-in tonight, January 5th at 11:00 PM CST (12:00 AM EST) to listen to this exciting broadcast.

For years, Louis struggled with religious fears, fear of dying, hell, etc. After what he calls an “awakening,” Louis began hearing a voice deep within him about spirits and the other side of the grave. You can expect that Louis will answer Dave’s thought-provoking questions about this awakening experience and why ghosts remain behind with the living instead of moving forward into the light. Louis feels there needs to be a movement in the paranormal community to solve cases of haunting by helping ghosts. Tonight, learn a bit about how we can do this!

Listen to the radio interview by way of the Internet at:

*For more about the book, Helping Ghosts, visit:

**You may purchase the book directly at: Amazon – Helping Ghosts Book.

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