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November 2010 – Angels & Ghosts Newsletter

Posted by Administrator on November 18, 2010

November 2010 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

November is Here!

The past few months, I have met a lot of new people in my travels while promoting my book, Helping Ghosts. So, I have eased into November and welcomed a much slower pace. I must note that I am encouraged to see and hear reports of ghost investigators beginning to work toward learning how to help lost spirits — ghosts.

While at the ScareFest convention earlier this month, a well known ghost investigator came up to talk to me. He mentioned that the TV show he is on needs to work to learn how to help ghosts. In fact, he seemed bothered by the fact that many of the television investigators are asking ghosts if they need help, recording EVP containing help messages, and then walking away from the location after the cameras are turned off. The ghost is seldom helped and remains forgotten. I was greatly encouraged when he wanted copies of my book in order to learn methods of how to help ghosts through use of compassionate communication. If people on television shows about ghost investigation would recognize that they have a rather large audience that is mimicking their methods, then maybe they might also consider the huge responsibility they have to teach others that ghosts are people we can help to find peace. Please assist me in spreading the word about Helping Ghosts!


Looking for Haunted Places to Visit?

Drop in and get spooked!

Now’s the time to start planning your vacation for next year. Perhaps, you are looking for some haunted places to check out in-between seeing the local sights. Check out these places for specters (and possibly for free!) if you are in the vicinity while vacationing: Haunted Places To Visit


The Best Places to Find Ghosts!

Where should you look for ghosts?

Ghosts can be found anywhere. Heck, they can even follow us home. According to the experts out there, if you want to increase your odds of a ghostly encounter, check these sites out:

Best Places to Find Ghosts?


Fotos de Fantasmas…Photos of Ghosts!

Dan captured this ghost photo using a full spectrum camera!

The photo at left was taken by Dan of Roseville, California using a full spectrum camera he purchased from our Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store. The ghost picture was featured by the Coast to Coast AM radio program’s website. It is one of many ghost pictures we have featured for November.

This month we wanted to continue to reach out to those who speak Spanish in the attempt to share some of our wonderful ghost photos. You can see November’s ghost photos here:

Fotos de Fantasmas


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

Over 40 new pages of ghost and angel information was added this month!

The following are new pages of photographs for November ‘10:

Fotos de Fantasmas (New Ghost Pictures!)

Angels with Us (Intriguing angel and spirit pictures we have collected.)

The following are new stories for November ‘10:

Haunting Activity Ghost Story

Angel Encounters Story

The following page has new ghost videos for November ‘10:

Real Ghost Videos (Check out the cuss word I recorded in the first video!)

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


Inexpensive Full Spectrum Cameras See in the Dark!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, Laser Grid lights, and Full Spectrum cameras.

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. We have received numerous photos from users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! The cameras can also see what the human can see, plus beyond our range of vision!

To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Pictures


Lasers & Ghost Investigation

We also have been working with lasers for detection of moving shadow ghosts. Check out our new article about laser grids and ghost investigation:

Laser Grids, Ghosts & Ghost Hunting


Learn How to Help Ghosts!

Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and spread the word within the paranormal community: We can help ghosts!

It’s time ghost investigators recognized ghosts as human beings and not monkeys who make the lights on their meters go off!

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!

Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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