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Holidays & a Rise in Haunting?

Posted by Administrator on December 18, 2011

Over the past two weeks, I’m having more and more people contact me with what I shall call “ghost problems.” Some are being pestered while others are simply seeing ghost activity elevate within their homes or around their children. Descriptions of haunting, recently, have included seeing shadow ghosts, hearing voices and the manipulation of the physical environment in some way (e.g. moving or missing objects, bangings, etc).

I’m wondering if during the holiday season there might be a rise in ghost activity. A ghost is simply a disembodied human spirit (my definition for this post), and human beings react differently during this time of year, it seems. Could the thought of the holidays still affect people while in the ethereal realms? Are ghosts and spirits more involved in our lives during celebrations? Can holidays hold a negative connotation for some lost spirits; while to others, it may simply make them more joyous? Just some thoughts to consider while drinking our eggnog and enjoying family and friends as 2011 comes to a close.

If you are experiencing a haunting, remain fearless and compassionate toward the person unseen who is with you. You might just find that Aunt Martha has been trying to make her presence known, and you wouldn’t want to upset Aunt Martha.

Seriously, if you need help solving a haunting in a compassionate way, may I recommend the book, Helping Ghosts?

Louis Charles Talks Ghosts On Phantom Radio

Posted by Administrator on June 4, 2010

June 13th, 2010,  at 8 pm (EST), ghost investigator Louis Charles will join host Amy Michelle on Phantom Radio. Publisher of the popular website Angels & Ghosts ( and author of the book, Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits, Louis will discuss cases of haunting and the mentality of earthbound spirits. It is his conviction that using compassionate communication ghosts is key to solving cases of haunting and helping ghosts move on in their life journey.

To listen to the radio interview, visit Phantom Radio at Call in phone number is (646) 478-3525.

To learn more about Helping Ghosts, visit The book may be purchased at the site or on Amazon at