Listen to author, Louis Charles, being interviewed by Dave Schrader of Darkness Radio and David Franklin Farkas of The Farkas Files.
Darkness Radio Interview: Ghost Communication
Farkas Files Radio Interview: Ghost Communication
In these interviews, Louis shares how he began communicating with ghosts and how we can learn to do the same using a ghost box to enhance the collection of electronic voice phenomena (EVP).
Louis goes on to share how he began recording what he calls help messages from ghosts. These heart-wrenching messages compelled him to try and figure out how we can help spirits.
Communication with ghosts is something that gets better as the connection with ghosts and spirits is explored and worked upon. One session, one attempt, is not enough, Louis says. Working on technique and one's "connection" with the other side will cause the communication with ghosts to improve.
Louis also found that communication with ghosts also includes communicating with enlightened spirits who help the process.
For more information, visit Helping Ghosts.