With the recent rise of ghost-themed television shows in the new millennium, interest in spirits and haunting have become a cultural phenomenon. Today, we believe that more people are having ghost encounters than before this new age. Paranormal investigators who encounter suffering spirits are often content with leaving them alone, not knowing what to do. We need to realize that ghosts are a forgotten part of mankind that we should try to help. If we are experiencing a haunting, we can attempt to resolve the ghost's problems; and if we help a person in spirit, we actually solve a haunting at the same time.
Helping Ghosts is both an adventure story and instruction book, as it explores communication with ghosts and how we can help them. For thousands of years, people have sought to understand ghostly behavior. Helping Ghosts is a compassionate, enlightening work that was written to bring the human aspect of spirits to light. The book details years of study, field experiments, and ghost investigation cases, revealing insights and techniques to help suffering, disembodied people move on in their life-journey.
Imagine that you encountered a person who was physically injured. If you could help, wouldn't you make an attempt to do so? Many people have not considered this to be a similar scenario when confronted with a haunting. Ghosts have been largely misunderstood, often portrayed as an enigma we should sometimes fear. I wrote Helping Ghosts in order to challenge commonly-held beliefs about spirits and haunting. Readers will gain understanding about people in spirit while possibly learning more about themselves in the process.
- Louis Charles