OBEs, short for Out of Body Experiences, have been recorded for thousands of years and have been closely associated with spiritual revelation. OBEs often occur when near sleep, relaxed or during meditation. However, an OBE may also happen when one is active in what is known as a Spontaneous Out of Body Experience (SOBE).
OBEs can teach us a lot about what lies on the other side of the veil, in Spirit, and how it must feel to die and to be outside of one's body. Immerse yourself in these OBE accounts, and you'll be amazed at what people have to say about life beyond the physical world.
Interesting Note: A written acount of an OBE appears in the Bible when the writer of II Corinthians made this statement: "And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter."

Out of Body Experiences: OBEs

Prayer Mantra OBE

Anonymous Out Of Body Experience

Boy in the Hospital Out of Body Experience

Labour Out of Body Experience

My Out of Body Experience

Sleep Apnea Out of Body

OBEs: Out of Body Experiences & Ghosts

Patricia's Out of Body Experience

Pet Out Of Body Experience

Toddler Teenager OBEs

Words Cannot Describe Out of Body Experience

Crystal's Astral Travel

Cheryl's Out Of Body Experience

Drowning Out of Body Experience

Melanie's Out Of Body Experience

MiMi Lu's Out Of Body Experience

Anna's Out Of Body Experience