April 2015
The Mons Warriors of World War I
Did angelic warriors aid Allied troups?

Reports from soldiers on both sides of the lines at the Battle of Mons in Belgium claimed to see visions of a heavenly horseman accompanied with an army of angels. Did divine help really happen during World War I?
Over 100 Ghosts Found in Folklore

Ghosts are found in numerous cultures.
We’ve done some digging into all sorts of myth and lore to put together a list of legendary ghosts and spirits dispersed within an array of differing cultures.
Maybe you’ve heard of some of these…
Types of Ghosts in Folklore
Ghosts, Spirits, Mass and Energy
What is the soul made of?

Could ghosts and spirits be made up of a yet-to-be discovered energy?
Einstein might have been onto something other than time travel when he revealed his famous equation, E=MC2. And, just because we do not yet understand what ghosts are made of does not mean spirits couldn’t be made up of an energy beyond current, scientific detection. After all, form is energy.
Ghosts: Undiscovered Energy Theory
Now, That’s the Spirit!
(Angel, ghost and spirit stories, photos and articles…)
Haunted Australia Prison Guard Ghost
Best ghost photo you’ll see this month…
New Bell Inn Ghost Picture
Old woman behind some men in a pub.
Haunted Beck House Short Story
Local lore may hold some ghostly truth…
Human Face in Orb?
This ball of light looks like it has a man in it.
Night Hike Spirit Photo
Did someone unseen keep him from the edge?
Celestial Being Photograph?
Cool figure over a creek is a head scratcher.
Hotel Room Ghost VIDEO
Sort of a strange light appears in the clip…
You are not your thoughts. Where are you?
Baby Spirit Photo
Something floats above a baby’s head. Spirit?
Adoration Chapel Angel Photo
We don’t know how we missed this one…
Catfish Plantation Ghost Pic?
Real apparition in the Cajun restaurant or not?