Two years ago, Franklin Manzanares and his friends were photographed. In this image, you'll notice a shadow to the left of them. Franklin now believes it is a good ghost picture:
"We were going to the mall and my friend's mom took a pic of us three. We didn't notice the shadow before, only after two years later."
We circled the shadow to the left of the three boys. At first, we thought it might be wet pavement or a shadow cast from something in the parking lot. Upon examination, the shadow is not cast from a light source and the pavement is not wet. The shadow is uniform and runs up and over the car bumper. Also, there are no visible shadows being cast by the boys themselves.
Comments to Franklin about the photo may be sent to:
"Íbamos al centro comercial y tomó mis amigos madre una foto de nosotros tres. No se dio cuenta de la sombra antes, sólo después de dos años más tarde."
Giramos en torno a la sombra a la izquierda de los tres muchachos. Al principio, pensamos que podría ser el pavimento mojado o una sombra de algo en el estacionamiento. En el examen, la sombra no se convierte a partir de una fuente de luz y el pavimento no está mojado. La sombra es uniforme y se extiende hacia arriba y sobre el parachoques del coche. Además, no hay sombras visibles de ser echado por los propios niños.