In magic, angels of the seasons are invoked for certain purposes. Various magical systems may assign angels to the seasons differently, but the following list of seasonal angels is one of the associations of the angelic to seasonal times of the year.
Ruling Angel: Spugliguel
Angels of Spring: Amatiel, Caracasa, Commissoros, and Core
Ruling Angel: Tubiel
Angels of Summer: Gargatel, Gaviel, Tariel
Ruling Angel: Torquaret
Angels of Autumn: Guabarel, Tarquarn
Ruling Angel: Attarib
Angels of Winter: Amabiel, Cetarari
Archangels of the Seasons...
Spring: Raphael
Summer: Uriel
Autumn: Michael
Winter: Gabriel
Source: The Encyclopedia of Angels by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Also see:
Angels of the Hours
Angels of the Months
Angels of the Planets