Finding & Hearing Angel Voices

In this article, we will explore ideas about angels, our brain waves and hearing voices of angels, as well as recording angel voices.

Angel Voices: Hearing Angels
Knowing that angels are messengers, by definition, angels are typically invisible, enlightened messengers in the unseen energy we call “spirit.” We are concluding that angels are often people – spirits who interact with other people on earth. We're not going to rule out other definitions for angels, such as other types of beings or human spirits that have never been embodied, but for this writing, let's go with our interpretation of angels and their voices.

In our experience, true angelic voices can be recognized because they always come from a place of no fear, spreading comforting messages of wisdom, love, joy and peace. With many cases of angel communication, the voices of angels are not something that are typically heard audibly by most who experience such a phenomenon. That said, sometimes, angel voices may be heard with physical ears, but more often than not, angelic messages are recognized within a person as thoughts that are higher, meaning wiser, and not the product of one's everyday thought processes. (Read: Hear Angels)

Angel voices are definitely different from ghost voices or at least the topics of their communications in most cases. We consider the earful that a ghost may give us to be very short-sighted, often unenlightened, and many times, primarily founded upon fearful interpretations of the world around them with little depth. Many voices of ghosts will indicate that they need help unless attempting to assist someone who is still alive; voices of angels typically help or share information with the people who hear them. There is a contrast, a marked difference.

Angel Voices: EVP and Brain Waves
OK - time to be a bit nerdy. Let's get a little more technical to see if there is evidence to suggest that the voices of angels could be found within some of the spirit conversations we are recording. The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of known frequencies of electromagnetic radiation: wave-like forms of energy that include light and sound. Human beings speak using word sounds in the range of about 300 to 3500 Hz (Hertz). Sounds below this are considered to be inaudible to humans, meaning words cannot be distinguished, but bass-like sounds of the voice can still be heard. Speech below 300 Hz is simply unrecognizable. Human hearing, however, covers the range of about 20-20,000 Hz, so the ability to hear beyond the human voice range is present within most people.

Interestingly, most EVP (electronic voice phenomenon), ghost and spirit (angel) voices that are audio recorded, can fall all over the charts. The lowest frequency of recorded EVP (that we have heard about, to date) was said to be only about 20 Hz with the highest frequency of EVP being a very high 22,000 Hz. That's quite a wide range for these mysterious voices to show up within. Mysterious voices that are recorded below 300 Hz or above 3500 Hz are considered EVP because they are outside the range of the human voice box to produce intelligible words. This should make us wonder what these enigmatic voices are doing on our audio recorders if it is impossible for them to be created by actual vocal cords. In other words, where the heck did these mysterious messages come from?!

Now, let us consider the voices of ghosts versus angels: where on the electromagnetic spectrum might the voices of ghosts, in contrast to enlightened spirits (angels), be found? To be logical, and to line up with the idea of spirits have different levels of order based upon their knowledge (higher or lower, that is), we would suspect that the EVP of lost spirits could be lower in frequency. And if true, then one would think that EVP from enlightened messengers, angels, to be much higher and faster than those of lower level spirits – ghosts. Looking at human brain waves, the lower the frequency, such as Alpha (8-12 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz) and Delta (1-4 Hz), the closer to sleep the person is. Higher brain activity takes place in the Beta and Gamma brain waves (12-26 Hz, 26-100Hz, respectively) and points to logic and intelligence. Our point is to suggest that EVP falls within known brain wave frequencies (and above), possibly indicating that disembodied human voices must somehow be produced "mentally" by disembodied (ergo, sans vocal chords) ghosts or spirits. If so, where might these mental communications fall within the electromagnetic spectrum? It would seem plausible that messages from ghosts and angels should be right where we are recording our EVP, with higher frequencies possibly being messages from enlightened spirits.

Proving the Theory in the Field: Audio Recordings of Angels?
Initially when we worked to record our own EVP, the goal was to capture the voices of disembodied human spirits in order to gain understanding of their condition. As our experiments in communication progressed to include the utilization of a ghost box, the first messages we recorded seemed much more enlightened than expected and not communications from ghosts. Many of what we will now term as "spirit voices" we captured in "unhaunted homes." We never felt like our homes had taken up resident spirits, but rather that these angels, who we could not see, were ever with us, making their presence known from time to time. We are suggesting that we (and you) are never truly alone. Our recordings and other experiences caused us to realize that a plurality of benevolent spirits (or angels), who are not trapped on this plane of existence, come and go, observe, interact, and communicate with us. Although we might remain unaware, people in spirit speak to us. You might also find it fascinating that there are biblical accounts about such exchanges. And these communications may often be mistaken for "God" speaking to the hearer - but could what we call "god" really be one great Spirit that contains an immeasurable amount of spirits?

Angel Voices: Human Spirits Communicating in the Bible
The idea that wise human spirits are with us is not something we invented for the purpose of this article. There is precedence for this idea found with the Christian New Testament. In fact, that account seems to be very important because three disciples, Peter, James and John, were the only ones trusted enough for Jesus to reveal who he was communicating with on the other side:

“...there appeared unto them Elijah with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus.” - Mark 9:4

Many people believe Jesus communicated directly with God (the eternal Spirit or energy); and we find nothing wrong with that interpretation. The above passage from Mark would suggest, however, that perhaps we need to expand our definition of God a little bit more to include humanity within the whole spirit (energy). You see, Moses and Elijah had both lived and died many years before the time of Jesus; but these patriarchs were not dead nor confined to some space that prevented them from reaching back to our world. We read they were talking to Jesus from the other side of death's door. Maybe, “god” is just a word we use to attempt to define a complex, multidimensional, multifaceted being who is much more vast than we are able to comprehend. Does your definition for God include everyone and everything that exists? How do we even attempt to imagine a notion so incredible? Let's first attempt to wrap our mind around the idea that we, like God, are eternal beings: spirits.

Angel Voices: The Human Experience
Let us suppose that life never really ends. Let us also suppose that the human experience is really about learning and growing away from a place of fear unto a place of knowing truth which brings us peace and happiness. If true, could it be possible that we continue to exist beyond death of the body, forever learning, understanding and experiencing life? This could mean that the consciousness or awareness of the human spirit can be elevated, enlightened, when able to comprehend higher wisdom. We have suspected for some time that a change of mind, from fear to peace, raises a soul from darkness to light – truth. We are suggesting that as we become more aware, meaning comprehension of a greater truth as to what is happening in the big picture, the more we are able to transform as spirits. And, if we are able to see life from a higher perspective, then we are capable of helping others who are blinded by false thinking and in a lower state of mind. Is this why there are voices of angels, to speak messages to others that nurture positive growth? Can we become angels – messengers of truth? We should explore these ideas further.

There is a passage found within several Gospels that seems to convey that we are born, we die, and then we are reborn into this physical realm until we no longer need to do so. It's a cycle that apparently has a purpose. It continues until it is no longer necessary. When we are resurrected from dead thinking – fears, false beliefs, etc., then we have elevated our thinking and the process of temporal birth and death, what some call "reincarnation," should come to an end:

“In time, there are those who deserve to rise from the dead, no longer marry, and no longer (live and) die; for they are angelic, the children of God and of the resurrection.” - Luke 20:35

Could this biblical passage teach us about the origin of angels – enlightened (resurrected) people in spirit who have graduated to a higher calling of assisting the whole of humanity in understanding truth? Could these spirits be the angel voices heard by people who are finding their own personal freedom? The only way to know is to listen for the messages inside you, heeding what you hear. You decide for yourself...