Do ghosts haunt known paths and intersections...ley lines?
During ghost investigations, it is not uncommon for someone to bring up the idea about ghosts and ley lines. Some ghost investigators have suggested that the most terrible of poltergeist (noisy ghost) cases have occurred on ley line intersection points. We wanted to investigate more about ghosts, haunting and if there could be a connection to the ley line theory.
What Are Ley Lines?
It has been believed, for less than a century, that the surface of the earth is marked with invisible lines of force called “ley lines.” These lines of energy allegedly criss-cross the globe, reminding one of longitude and latitude lines (though not uniform), aligning at spots of geographical interest. The Great Pyramid and Stone Henge, for example, have all been thought to be built upon this invisible energy grid at intersecting ley line points.
Where Did Ley Lines Come From?
The concept of ley lines was first conceived, then shared, by author and archaeologist Alfred Watkins in his 1921 book, The Old Straight Track. His theories concerning hidden, mystical energy lines were formed while observing footpaths connecting to one another at the top of a hill. He then simply envisioned the lines connecting across the globe in the same manner. Watkins theories would later be adopted by writers and spiritualists who chose to expound on his theory.
Can Ley Lines be Explained?
Well, yes they can. The straight paths created by people walking from place to place, landmark to landmark, would naturally create lines of significance. Walking was the primary method for travel before vehicles were prominent. It was walking paths that sparked Watkins idea in the first place. Still, is there any significance with ghost activity and possibly an invisible grid?
Paths, Lines & Haunting
Can we draw a spiritual connection to ancient paths, especially those that linked places of the dead? Spectral paths between cemeteries in Germany, for example, are known as geister wegen. Cursuses, found between megalithic sites in Great Britain, were possibly ancient, processional routes between places of burial. Of course, these pathways are believed to be haunted.
“Corpse roads” were direct paths that the bodies of the deceased would be hauled down as they were taken to the graveyard. They have also been called church ways, burial roads, and coffin lines, spawning quite a bit of folklore about ghosts and spirits haunting these old pathways.
In separate cases of haunting, it is well known that multiple witnesses occasionally report seeing the same ghosts repeatedly walking the same paths over and over again. This leads us to wonder if earthbound spirits also roam the routes between burial places? We would have to assume it is possible. If ghosts from the past, who possibly haunt these trails, are disrupted by people, buildings, etc, will they make their displeasure known? In other words, if someone unknowingly builds a structure on one of these ancient paths, could they be haunted by an angry ghost? It is possible. Could this explain why some ghosts, who might believe they are still walking an old road, manifest through walls and other solid objects?
We know that the paths for burial sparked the idea of ley lines; and because they are related, there just may be some truth to them after all.