Information to help with ghost hunting and investigation...
Hunting Versus Investigating Ghosts
You've probably heard of "ghost hunting" and "ghost investigating," but did you know there is a difference? To ghost hunt is when a paranormal explorer looks for evidence of haunting at places most likely to have ghosts. A ghost investigation, on the other hand, usually ensues after a place is known to be haunted and seeks to find answers as to why and by whom. Good to know...
(The image shown here is the ghost hunting kit used by famed ghost hunter Harry Price.)

How to Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunting Definitions

Best Times for Ghost Hunting

Ghost Hunting Through Time

Society for Psychical Research

Famous Ghost Investigators

Ghost Hunters Help

Ghost Hunting: Spiritual Intuition

Ghosts: Dangers?

Trigger Objects & Ghosts

Ghosts: Singapore Theory

Book Review: Vanquishing Ghosts & Demons

Best Places to Find Ghosts

Paranormal Investigators Map

Ghost Photography Tips

Ghosts: Anomalies

Cameras That See Ghosts

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Ghost Hunting Camera

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Testimonies

Full Spectrum to Infrared Camera

Infrared Cameras

Full Spectrum Lighting

Infrared Light

Ghost Hunting With Night Vision
Ghost Hunters Equipment
Ghost Hunting Equipment

Ghost Equipment of Old

Harry Price Equipment

Ghost Hunting Thermometers

EMF Meter & Ghost Hunting

Baby Monitors & Ghosts
Motion Detectors & Sensors

Laser Grid & Ghosts

Ghosts & Dowsing

Ghost Hunting Downloads

Free Ghost Hunting Log

Do TV Ghost Hunting Shows Fake Evidence?

Amulets & Ghosts

Charms & Ghost Hunting
Talismans & Ghosts
More Tips on Hunting Ghosts
You'll first need to find a haunted place which is what ghost hunting truly is: hunting for ghosts. Search for locations that are not dangerous and that will allow you to poke around. (It is not recommended that you trespass or take unnecessary chances of any sort.) The location may be outdoors or indoors, and you may ghost hunt during the day or night.
Begin by asking friends and family if they have heard of any good, local ghost stories. If so, see if you can track down the owner of the home or property to gain permission. If that doesn't work, reach out to hospitals, funeral parlors, schools, jails, libraries, religious sites, theaters or any place where tragedy or lots of emotion has been spent. (For more ideas, visit Best Places to Find Ghosts.)
When you ghost hunt, be patient, explore - try to find plausible explanations for what you may deem to be ghost activity. Don't be rash with judgment. If you cannot explain odd things by using rationality, it could be paranormal. But because something unexplainable or odd is paranormal, it does not prove that it is a ghost or supernatural; paranormal only means it is beyond normal, natural or known explanation. Your ghost hunting (actually investigation) work has just begun.