Ghosts: Dangers?

Are there dangers with ghost hunting? Are ghosts dangerous?

Are Ghosts Dangerous?Are there risks we should be concerned about while embarking upon ghost investigation? Searching for ghosts is growing in interest around the world due to paranormal television shows featuring ghost hunters trekking through haunted locations in the dark. Viewers of programs featuring ghosts and haunting are desiring their own experiences with the unknown, wanting to find out for themselves if there is truly life after death. The rise in novice ghost hunters raises questions about ghosts and the dangers associated with what has become a hobby for many.

Can Ghost Investigating Be Dangerous?
With any hobby that has exploration as its core attribute, there are certainly dangers to be considered before embarking upon an expedition to search for ghost activity. Most ghost investigations take place at night, in low-light conditions, and in unfamiliar environments. If not careful, ghost hunters can be injured by accidentally tripping, falling, stepping on nails, getting scraped, or bumping into unseen objects. It's also common to be bitten by insects, or even worse, animals. Bottom line? Be careful and expect injuries from time to time.

Can Ghosts Be Dangerous? Are There Risks?
Although ghosts can attack, many injuries that occur when searching for ghosts can be blamed on fears of the inexperienced ghost investigator. Fear has the ability to magnify natural occurrences into becoming something not paranormal at all. If allowed, fear will cause people to panic and do things which put them into physical and emotional trouble. Hallucinations and paranoia are rooted in our own fears. After years of research, we are convinced that many (not all) accounts of ghosts, especially descriptions of the malevolent, are often the product of the imaginary mind. Yet, there are encounters with ghosts that can be described as not being “nice.” When ghost investigating, it is important not to allow fear to sway the mind. This way we can rationally determine what is taking place, or even more important, face an ill-willed spirit that does have a penchant for attacking the unsuspecting. Our best defense against attacks from negative ghosts is to remain mentally strong. Fear is not your friend out in the field.

Are Ill-Willed Ghosts a Threat? Can Ghost Encounters Be Unhealthy?
The short answer to this question is “yes.” Allow us to explain in more detail. If we approach ghost investigating from a position of “ no fear,” it is then that we can maintain control and more accurately assess cases of haunting. By doing so, we will find that most ghosts are not ill-willed. In fact, we can also come to a place of realizing that ill-willed ghosts are not demons. If we choose to approach negative spirits, meaning those who choose to behave horribly, we will empower them, essentially inviting them to attack. I'm not saying that having no fear will eliminate ghost attacks, but superstitious behavior can be perceived by disembodied people and solicit “demonic-appearing” responses. We do not subscribe to beliefs in demons, and I have yet to encounter them in the field in the worst of cases. Black-looking spirits with horns or red-eyes haunting homes have turned out to be ghosts capable of manipulating their appearance and those who bought into their disguises. Because of a common societal fear of demons, some of these ghosts will not only seek to look daunting but claim to be demonic. Don't believe it. You just might find that ghosts do not differ much from people who we might encounter in the natural world, from the loving to the deplorable.

Ghosts can attack and influence the living, so there are indeed dangers associated with researching these entities. I do not wish to frighten the reader, but feel it is important to “weigh the costs” before embarking upon a ghostly adventure. It should be known that attacks from ghosts can affect people differently. People who search for evidence of ghosts have reportedly been pushed, scratched, assaulted, antagonized, followed home, and even suffered physical and emotional injuries. Some ghost investigators claim to have had to deal with insomnia, hearing voices, mental illness, depression, oppression, attachment, personality changes, even possession.

If you are interested in ghost investigation, know that there is no official training, no warnings, no enforced age limit, and no knowledge being offered for what to do if attacked. The best advice I can offer is to be prepared mentally, remaining fearless, and rational. This will keep you strong and at your best while out in the field. Take time to research ghosts, haunting, cases of attack, and the histories behind some of your beliefs of what you fear. Work to overcome those fears before investigating ghosts., and never investigate alone. Most of the dangers associated with ghosts and haunting can be overcome by those who are calm, rational, well-studied, experienced, and of strong mind.