2015 Psychic Predictions

A collection of some of the more fascinating predictions made by three different psychics for the year 2015...

Judy Hevenly 2015 Predictions

Judy Hevenly Psychic Predictions for 2015Judy has made some mind-numbing picks over the years, so why not take a look at her 'educated guesses' for the next 12 months?

We especially liked the technology news of TVs that will allow all of us see the digital world a bit better!

  • Cars will communicate with each other via technology that will help drivers avoid accidents, even driving themselves.
  • An Eurasian Union is formed. What?
  • A famous religious leader passes away; a former President of U.S. dies this year
  • A new US law will be put in place by Congress, banning the selling of guns to people with mental disorders.
  • 5G phone networks will make our smartphones faster!
  • The first artificial heart that regulates itself will be implanted in a human.
  • Vladimir Putin's reign of power will end this year for Russia.
  • North Korea gets a new leader in 2015.
  • The Pope will resign by the end of the year due to illness.
  • Television screens that correct our vision, digitally and without the need for wearing glasses, will debut.

Source: JudyHevenly.com

Psychics UK 2015 Predictions

Psychics UK: 2015 PredictionsSome International, bold predicitions from psychic Craig of the United Kingdom - will these odd happenings occur this year?

Most are plausible prognostications while a few (especially a China/Russia 'marriage') could be world-changing if even remotely true!

  • Massive volcanic eruptions occur in both Japan and Hawaii
  • A death in the Royal family happens in 2015.
  • Scientists will discover weird fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field.
  • Russia and China will become close partners, maybe even economic and military agreements. Such a powerful alliance could challenge the US and world.
  • India will grow faster than China, economically-speaking.
  • Mexico will get its first female president this year: Josefina Vázquez Mota.
  • Mexico City will get hit with a rather large earthquake in 2015. 
  • A celebrity will be kidnapped this year.
  • A member of the Saudi Arabian Royal Family will be attacked by terrorists.
  • Facebook and Amazon will develop search engine algorithms for the Internet in the hope of taking down Google.
  • Jeb Bush will become President of the United States, elected next November.

Source: Psychics.co.uk

Psychic Nikki Picks for 2015

Psychic Nikki: 2015 PredictionsPsychic Nikki seems to be leaning toward two things: earthquakes and terrorist attacks for 2015.

We pulled some of the more interesting of her foretellings and have compiled this list...

  • Washington, DC is rocked by a massive earthquake
  • Washington, DC is rocked again by terrorists
  • London, England suffers a terrorist attack
  • The states of Colorado, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming experience quakes
  • Sunken treasure is found off the coast of Florida
  • Eagles will attack people in Anchorage, Alaska
  • An earthquake destroys Tokyo in 2015
  • Casablanca, Morocco is hit by terrorism
  • Melbourne, Australia undergoes a terrorist attack
  • Chicago, the windy city, also has a quake
  • San Francisco and souther California has a huge earthquake as long predicted
  • Auckland, New Zealand is struck by a meteor
  • Some sort of space tragedy will make headlines in 2015
  • Countries will be invaded this year by Russia
  • Moscow, Russia will be invaded by the US and England
  • Another tragedy will occur with the New World Trade Center
  • Toronto, Canada suffers terrorism
  • Terrorists attack Scotland
  • Vladimir Putin of Russia will be in danger

Source: psychicnikki.com