2009 Psychic Predictions

So, what are the psychic predictions for 2009?

As is our annual tradition, we take a peek from around the web and gather some of the best predictions made by psychics for 2009. Most will tell you that 2009 will not be a great year economically or financially speaking, but we could all guess that given how the money markets in 2008 ended so dismally.

Our quest is to find the most interesting or unusual predictions for 2009 that we may consider. Sort of a way to wake us up for the new year. Without further ado, let's explore what we dug up.

Drudge Report: Russia Expects U.S. Demise
A top Russian economic guru predicts that the financial crisis in the United States will eventually lead to its collapse and be divided up into parts. Professor Igor Panarin stated,

“The dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”

Top Trends for 2009:
It is not surprising with most of their predictions, but the Trends Journal foresees people going back to having their own gardens for food, spending less on material things, and even dieting. Frugality seems to be the buzz word for 2009, but also increased property taxes, and colleges failing. Good news will be found in regenerative medicine with treatments for impossible to cure diseases. The entertainment market will feel no pain.

The Psychic Detective Predictions for 2009:
Interesting 2009 predictions are as follows: The level of brutal and strange crimes will continue to increase around the globe; an assassination attempt of a Ukrainian leader will occur; continued food shortages in the Far East; major natural disasters around the world; and more Earth-like planets will be discovered according to the Psychic Detective.

The Street Psychic:
Peter predicts 2009 will bring a financial upswing by May 2009; major volcano eruptions will happen around the world this Spring; a governmental change in Mexico; a U.S. East Coast tsunami strikes by Fall; and Cuba will be opened up to tourism and commerce. He also predicts new break-throughs in medicine for incurable diseases, and proof of a second gunman in the Kennedy assassination finally comes forth.

Psychic & Mediums Network Predictions for '09:
Jane and Craig predict an assassination attempt on President-elect Obama, as well as a major terrorist attack in Dubai; Russia moving back to communism; socialism increasing around the globe; the European Union struggling to keep member nations after the Euro tanks; economic woes; and a knife attack on a top celebrity.

Conclusion: Look for the bright spots this year, especially in medicine. We certainly hope 2009 holds many good things for us all, and may we all push for peace, love our success for our fellow man, opting to do good to one another this new year.