2011 Psychic Predictions

What are some psychic predictions for 2011?

As part of our annual update, we like to list some of the collective psychic predictions made for the year by different people from around world. Although we do not usually take the time to go back and prior year's predictions for accuracy, you can certainly do so. We keep a running set of past year's prognostications at our main Psychic Predictions page.

Dr. Turi's Psychic Predictions for 2011
Dr. Turi is known internationally, so we thought we would share an abbreviated version of some of his predictions:

* All of us will be affected by major changes in the transportation, broadcasting, communications, paper and other industries (think car, trains, airlines, buses, phone, bookstore, radio, TV, etc).
* Crazy weather centered around wind (think tornadoes, fire storms, hurricanes, sand storms)...
* Dramatic increase in wind mills, water/air vehicle technology and 3D photography
* A restructuring of the American workforce
* Increase in mental problems (think dementia, depression, schizophrenia)...
* The worst aeronautical disaster...
* U.S. financial situation will improve.
Source: drturi.com

Alizon's Psychic Secrets
Alizon has made the following psychic predictions for 2011:

1) Japan will undergo three large earthquakes.
2) An avalanche at a European ski resort will kill a celebrity.
3) New treasures will be found in Egypt through excavation.
4) Forest fires will plague Australia once again.
Source: alizons-psychic-secrets.com

Psychic & Mediums Network
Here are a few psychic predictions made by Craig Hamilton-Parker:

1) India will have a nuclear disaster and China will suffer a huge chemical factory explosion.
2) A plane crash will kill a politician this year.
3) California to suffer a rather large earthquake in 2011.
4) Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono team up for a record?
5) Tropical island will suffer an erupting volcano.
Source: psychics.co.uk

Other Psychic Predictions for 2011
* Psychic Niki from Toronto predicts that Sarah Palin will divorce this year and Michelle Obama will become pregnant.
* Sidney Friedman predicts an economic improvement for the United States, while psychic Michel Hayek sees President Obama facing difficult situations not previously faced by any other President.
* The Psychic Twins foresee that Barack Obama will not be re-elected in 2012 and that Sarah Palin should not be underestimated.

Of course, some have predicted that Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, will finally die and entertainer Justin Bieber will do something stupid this year. Who wouldn't have thought that?