Angel story by Marie-Anne Lutchmaya recounted to Angels & Ghosts!
My son, André-Pierre Rego was very ill in June and July 2007 with a complexity of symptoms - he coughed so badly that he fainted several times a day - this happened even at night and went on for two months.
The problem was even more complicated because my son is a heart patient, has had a double bypass operation which was then complemented by a stent and therefore any medication that is prescribed must be compatible with the medicines that he already takes to keep his cholesterol levels down and his heart pumping life blood. The doctors could not diagnose the cause of his cough and fainting fits. They even prescribed the wrong medicine - he grew steadily weaker since he was unable to eat, sleep or breathe normally. He was wheezing badly and the doctors said that he had water in his lungs. He was hospitalized and was placed under observation several times during this period, but his condition was obviously getting worse.
In desperation, I prayed day and night to my guardian angel and was comforted by the thought that he was finally taking care of my son - he grew amazingly better in a very short time and has now been restored to full health.
This is my way of saying thank you to a marvellous angel who has walked by me from the time I was very young and has saved me from so many perillous situations right through my life and even sure death on at least two occasions.
I would advise anyone reading this brief note to contact their angel through prayer and meditaton, because the heavenly protection and comforting presence of this spiritual being brings you a wonderful feeling of being loved and cherished - especially in moments of deep sorrow and dire distress.