A real guardian angel story submitted by Tracy...
I was driving home on a 1-1/2 hour commute. I'm a teacher, and it was a Thursday afternoon. I was pretty tired and found myself fighting to stay awake. About 45 minutes from home, I had drifted off to sleep
I was driving on a narrow, country road, with a mountain on one side of the road and a deep ditch on the other. I suddenly awoke to the sound of a semi-truck furiously blowing his horn. When I awoke, I looked down at the steering wheel. On the wheel, were two hands. Neither were mine. Both appeared to be a man's hands and both were facing in a direction as if the man was sitting where I was sitting.
The car, which had drifted into the oncoming lane, miraculously steered itself into the proper lane. As soon as I was aware enough to take over, the hands disappeared. I quietly said, "Thank you," and continued, wide awake, on my drive.
When I told my husband, he was more upset that I had fallen asleep. He doesn't believe the story to this day. However, I can still see those hands, as if they are right in front of me. I often wonder if they are the hands of one of my grandfather's that passed to the other side. I am sure they were the hands of my guardian angel, and I am ever grateful that he was there that day.