Angel stories telling of divine protection through use of angelic powers are how we are going to classify our gaurdian angel stories collection.
Of course, guardian angels or spirits also provide rescue, and other forms of help to those whom they are watching over.

True Angel Sighting

Car Trouble Guardian Angel Story

Angelic Healing Angel Story

Ashley's Angel Story

Angel Encounter

Divine Intervention Angel Story

Guardian Angels Drive Story

Lights Guardian Angel Story

Boy's Guardian Angel Story

Tracy's Guardian Angel Story

Car Accident Angel Story

Guardian Angel Story

Guardian Angel Rescue Story

Angel's Guardian Angel Story

Angels of Mons
Do You Have a Guardian Angel Story? Consider This...
Sometimes people need help, but at what point do guardian spirits, angels, come and help those in their time of need? Do the guardian angels in these stories receive direction to do so from a higher power? Stories seem to indicate that angels do not like to interfere with our lives, but will, at certain times. The mystery, in our opinion, is what governs when guardian angels intervene versus when they will not? Do guardian angels know the future in advance so as to understand the outcome of their actions? Or could their be a "loose" plan for each life put in place before someone appears in the physical world, and guardian angels help keep people in line with the life-plan as it unfolds? These are some great ideas to keep in mind and contemplate while reading stories and accounts of guardian angel intervention.